Our Voices Are Vital

Can you imagine a world in which Greenpeace and other advocacy groups were no longer able to stand up for our forests, oceans, and climate? A giant logging corporation called Resolute Forest Products can — and is fighting to make this sinister vision a reality.

For years, Greenpeace has campaigned to protect the Great Northern Forest — the green halo around our globe — from unsustainable logging. Major companies, like Kleenex-maker Kimberly Clark, have worked with us to change their ways and today require that their paper sources act responsibly. But Resolute has refused to work on real solutions.

Instead, it’s sunk its efforts into an all-out assault on Greenpeace — launching two major lawsuits against Greenpeace Canada, Greenpeace USA, Stand.Earth, and Greenpeace International so big they could sink us.

We will not be silenced, even when faced with multi-million dollar lawsuits. That’s why Greenpeace supporters are speaking up — literally.

All around the world, Greenpeace supporters are recording their own voices, saying “our voices are vital.” These recordings will be used to show Resolute that it has picked the wrong battle — the global Greenpeace community is bigger than it imagined.

We’ll make sure Resolute gets the message: that the Greenpeace community is ready to get LOUD when it comes to protecting our right to speak out.


No matter who you are  a builder, painter, nurturer, writer, activist — your voice is vital to creating a better world. Now, corporate attacks on free speech are trying to take your voice away.

Greenpeace supporters are bold and courageous. When someone tries to silence us, we only get LOUDER. Make some noise with us today.

500 of you left voice recordings, so artist Hannah Rosengren has created digital backgrounds for your phone and computer.

Click on an image to download.

Wow — with your help, we quickly reached the next goal of 1500 voices! Mark Deklin has recorded a video for Greenpeace supporters. Enjoy!

Read more about Designated Survivor actor Mark Deklin, and check out his (non-violent) fight choreography video.

We said that if 2500 of you lent your voice, Emma Thompson would make a video. Over 4000 of you have now participated — thank you!

Here’s what Emma has to say about free speech.


We’ve reached our next goal! 5000 of you recorded your voices, so director Tamra Davis has created a short film!

In the video, Tamra reads from one of her favorite passages in literature. Read more about her short film, and enjoy!

Amazing! 6000 of you submitted recordings – so actress and producer Jennette McCurdy made this video for us.

Check it out and share on social media!

We’ve reached 10,000 recordings, so the band Yon Yonson has offered up a free song download for all Greenpeace supporters!

You can download the song here.

We Need Your Voice. Join Us!

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