Students for Liberty (SFL)

Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group

$704,025 from Koch foundations, 2009-2017.

Students for Liberty (SFL) is an arm of Charles Koch’s numerous recruiting, training and networking operations to develop professionals who operate under his “culture” of Market Based Management and ideology of unrestrained corporate power. SFL chapters are established on campuses across the United States or partner with existing campus groups with similar ideological goals.

SFL groups have screened Not Evil, Just Wrong, a movie attacking Al Gore and consensus climate science and have repeatedly hosted career climate denier Patrick Michaels at their conferences andcampus events.

Students for Liberty campus groups gain access to employees and resources from the Koch-founded and heavily funded Institute for Humane Studies, the Charles Koch Institute and numerous think tanks funded or governed by the Koch Brothers (including the Reason Foundation, the Competitive Enterprise Institute and the Cato Institute). The 2012 International Students for Liberty Conferencereceived a $10,000 sponsorship from the Cato Institute, $5,000 each from the Atlas Network and the Institute for Humane Studies, and $2,500 each from the Charles Koch Institute and the Foundation for Economic Education (more Koch-funded sponsors helped foot the bill as well).

SFL is part of the State Policy Network.

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