Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment (FREE)

Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group

$1,525,000 from Koch foundations, 1997-2009

Peter Geddes, Executive Vice President of FREE, has advocated against taking action on climate change because warming is “inevitable” and expensive to address. In addition, FREE sponsors seminars for federal judges that have been criticized for creating judicial conflicts of interest.

FREE states it only takes money for judicial seminars from foundations whose founder is deceased (termed “dead-man foundations” by FREE), and that corporate funding does not fund judicial seminars. However, the Claude R. Lambe foundation has been listed as a funder of at least six seminars since 1997.  A 1999 Koch Foundation report questions this rationale, stating “Charles Koch’s control of Koch industries…calls into question the relevance of this term, as defined by FREE, if not the accuracy of the disclosure.”

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