Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies

Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group

$6,466,139 from Koch foundations, Koch Industries, and David Koch, 1997-2017

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies advocates for inaction on global warming: “Global warming is nothing more than an educated guess by many of the same scientists who are still arguing about what happened to the dinosaurs. Perhaps we should think carefully before putting blind faith in people who cannot explain the simple disappearance of tens of millions of creatures, many of which were the size of locomotives.”

In a Federalist Society Newsletter from 2000, they claim: “The science is not settled (as claimed by Vice President Gore), that it is not “compelling” (as claimed by President Clinton), and that there is certainly no scientific consensus favoring global warming. If anything, the largest number of scientists, some 17,000, signed a petition against the Kyoto Protocol in 1998.”

The Federalist Society is a member of the State Policy Network.

The Federalist Society’s annual reports from 2006-2017 disclose additional funds from Koch Industries ($1,050,000) and from David H. Koch ($1,150,000). These are minimum estimates, as the Federalist Society simply lists David Koch and Koch Industries as “Madison Club” donors–giving over $100,000 each year–without disclosing exact amounts. A full accounting of these grant estimates is available on our profile of the Federalist Society on PolluterWatch.

These payments from Koch Industries and David H. Koch are in addition to grants disclosed (below) by the Charles Koch Foundation, Charles Koch Institute, and the now-defunct Claude R. Lambe Foundation, totaling $6,466,139 from 1997-2017.


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