Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI)

Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group

$838,259 from Koch foundations, 1997-2017; $100,000 from David Koch in 2009.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI), among many other statements denying the seriousness of global warming, has argued that climate change would create a “milder, greener, more prosperous world” and that “Kyoto was a power grab based on deception and fear.” CEI is a member of the State Policy Network.
CEI maintains a website as part of their aggressive campaign to convince the public that global warming is uncertain, and has spent considerable time and effort adding to the echo chamber around “Climate Gate.”

A full version of CEI’s 2009 IRS tax filings published by PR Watch revealed David Koch gave $100,000 to CEI that year, rather than through his private nonprofit foundation. Such data is rarely made public and is not accounted for in the table below.

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