Americans for Tax Reform (ATR)

Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group

$117,250 from Koch foundations, 2003-2017

Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) denies the basic science of global warming and opposes federal policies to address it.
In 1998, ATR’s Peter Cleary was part of a meeting at the American Petroleum Institute that produced the Global Climate Science Communications Action Plan. The plan was published by the New York Times, revealing how fossil fuel companies and would finance surrogate groups to strategically undermine public trust in climate scientists and their research.

ATR focused on costs and denial in their 2008 “Cost of Government” report.

In 2009, ATR’s Todd Hollenbeck promoted a film featuring climate science deniers called “Not Evil, Just Wrong,” smeared Al Gore in attempts to discredit climate science, and encouraged ATR’s members to oppose national climate legislation. Despite promoting doubt over climate science, Hollenbeck has no scientific qualifications. He now works at the Foundation for Economic Education and was previously a Charles G. Koch Summer Fellow at the Independence Institute and a Students for Liberty campus coordinator.

Americans for Tax Reform is a member of the State Policy Network.


SourceWatch profile: Americans for Tax Reform

DeSmog profile: Americans for Tax Reform

Energy & Policy Institute profile: Americans for Tax Reform

Little Sis network map: Americans for Tax Reform

Right Wing Watch: Americans for Tax Reform

ExxonSecrets profile: Americans for Tax Reform

Conservative Transparency: Americans for Tax Reform funding


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