American Enterprise Institute (AEI)

Koch Industries Climate Denial Front Group

$2,171,121 from Koch foundations, 1997-2017

American Enterprise Institute (AEI) has a long track record of distorting the science and solutions of climate change. Its arguments tend to de-emphasize the environmental and economic risks of climate change, exaggerate the costs of addressing the problem and question the value of putting a policy in place at all.

The American Enterprise Institute is a member of the State Policy Network.

A Wall Street Journal oped by AEI fellow Steven F Hayward, who is associated with numerous other Koch-funded organizations such as the Pacific Research Institute, the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, the Heritage Foundation and the Property and Environment Research Center.

AEI’s Ken Green infamously offered $10,000 (along with travel and lodging expenses) to any scientist willing to undermine a 2007 report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

AEI was criticized in 2012 by climate science deniers at the Heartland Institute for convening a secret meeting on a carbon tax featuring organizations that have no role in denying climate science, such as the Union of Concerned Scientists and Public Citizen. It is unclear if this indicates a shift away from AEI’s historic public relations campaign against climate science and global warming policy.

More information:

SourceWatch profile: American Enterprise Institute

DeSmogBlog profile: American Enterprise Institute

Little Sis network map: American Enterprise Institute

Union of Concerned Scientists: Global Warming Skeptic Organizations

ExxonSecrets profile: American Enterprise Institute

Right Wing Watch profile: American Enterprise Institute

Conservative Transparency: American Enterprise Institute funding

OpenSecrets: American Enterprise Institute staff political spending

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