These Are Our Favorite Moments From the Democratic National Convention

by Rachael Prokop

July 29, 2016

This week, the Democratic Party had its National Convention in Philadelphia. Here were some of the highlights from inside the hall — and moments outside that you may not have seen!

© JefParker / Creative Commons

1. The first female candidate of any major party EVER was nominated for the presidency of the United States!


Now, we’ve disagreed with Hillary Clinton before, and if she gets elected, we’ll be spending the next four years doing what we can to pressure her administration for the climate action we urgently need. We’re into change, not candidates.

But whatever your politics are, this is a historic moment. About 50 years later than Sri Lanka, India, and Israel, 40 years after the Central African Republic, the United Kingdom, Portugal, and Dominica, and 30 years after Pakistan, Lithuania, and Bangladesh, we finally have a woman at the top of a major party’s ticket.

And it’s about time.

2. People actually talked about climate change.

Climate change is the most pressing issue of our time, but it was virtually ignored at the Republican National Convention. At the DNC, climate change was spoken of as a foregone conclusion, and actual climate action was discussed by prominent leaders of our society.

People like First Lady Michelle Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders, Governor Jerry Brown, and President Barack Obama:

The convention even included a five-minute film calling for climate action, created by James Cameron himself:

3. People power in action.

It wouldn’t be a political rally without protests. You’ve probably heard about the disruptions inside the convention hall, but here’s a few from outside you might have missed.

Of particular note to us was this action against Colorado Governor Hickenlooper, who is adamantly opposed to community fracking bans in Colorado:

Bringing justice for Berta Caceres, the Honduran environmental activist murdered earlier this year:

Calling for clean air from the #ItTakesRoots delegation:

Thousands of marchers called for a ban on fracking and just transition to 100 percent renewable energy:

And so many more actions inside the convention and out on the streets. This is democracy at work — and people power is how real change happens.

4. Speakers who inspired us. 

The Mothers of the Movement, including Trayvon Martin’s mother Sybrina Fulton:


Khizr Khan, the father of a an American Muslim soldier killed in Iraq:

Gabby Giffords, former Congresswoman and advocate against gun violence:

Reverend Barber, leader of the Moral Monday movement:

Rev. Barber

And of course Michelle Obama, reminding us how far we’ve come as a country:


From the protesters to the speakers — the diversity, strength, and grit of democracy was on full display this week. Good job, America.

By Rachael Prokop

Rachael is an Online Campaigner with Greenpeace USA.

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