
  • 6 Years After BP Disaster, Movement Grows Against Gulf Offshore Drilling

    April 25, 2016
    Mary Nicol

    Gulf communities are still reeling from the devastating impacts of the BP disaster, which began unfolding six years ago on April 20, 2010. For some unfathomable reason, the federal government chose the sixth anniversary of this disaster to hold hearings asking these same communities for input on opening up even more areas of the Gulf to dangerous offshore oil drilling.

  • Heading to Sea to Stop Destructive Tuna Fishing

    April 23, 2016
    François Chartier

    More than 300,000 people have demanded the largest tuna company in the world clean up its act. Now the Esperanza is riding that wave of people power to directly take on destructive fishing in the Indian Ocean.

  • Arctic Offshore Drilling? Alaskans Say "Keep It in the Ground"

    April 7, 2016
    Mary Sweeters

    Despite the catastrophic risks that oil spills and climate change pose to coastal communities and wildlife, Alaskan waters may be open for oil and gas drilling for the next five years. But not if Alaskans have anything to do with it.