
  • Why Greenpeace Supports a Just Recovery in Puerto Rico

    November 17, 2017
    Hannah Strange

    Greenpeace’s ship the Arctic Sunrise is en route from Miami to San Juan to support ‘Our Power Puerto Rico’, a national campaign started by Climate Justice Alliance (CJA). We are going to support rural communities on the island as they push for a Just Recovery following Hurricane Maria.

  • How Environmentally Friendly is Your Insurance Company?

    November 17, 2017
    Guest Blogger

    It’s no surprise that major U.S. insurers are getting hit with a large number of claims following this year’s unusual number of major hurricanes and wildfires. But what should outrage everyone is that decades after the industry first recognized and began to warn about the growing threat of climate change, many leading insurers are still deeply invested in the very source of the problem — coal and other fossil fuels.