
  • Koch Front Groups Are Defending ExxonMobil's Anti-Science Campaigns

    June 21, 2016
    Connor Gibson

    The Kochs have spent over $88 million in *traceable* funding to groups attacking climate change science, policy and regulation. Of that total, $21 million went to groups that recently bought a full page New York Times advertisement defending ExxonMobil from government investigations into its systematic misrepresentation of climate science.

  • What You Need to Know About the Social Cost of Carbon

    June 21, 2016
    Jason Schwartz

    Scientists and economists have the tools to estimate the cost burning fossil fuels will have on our society due to climate change. The U.S. government even includes those costs in its policymaking. Here are some useful things to know when hanging out with your climate-denying uncle.

  • Reno Rallies to Keep It in the Ground!

    June 13, 2016
    Britten Cleveland

    A wave of keep it in the ground activism has decision-makers taking notice and the fossil fuel industry rattled. Tomorrow we are keeping the pressure on in Nevada.