Donations From Fossil Fuel Corporations to Super PACs

Tracking direct giving from fossil fuel corporations

While large donations from individuals make up the majority of Super PAC funding, corporations are allowed to give directly to Super PACs. The following is a look at which fossil fuel corporations are giving to Super PACs and which Super PACs take the most money directly from corporations.

These data were downloaded from the FEC on March 25th. See the Guardian for more information on the funding of Super PACs by individuals associated with the fossil fuel industry.

Total donations to Super PACs from organizations:                                $106,794,953

Total donations to Super PACs from fossil fuel corporations:             $13,407,600

Total donations to Super PACs:                                                                        $655,233,604

Top Corporate Fossil Donors

Access Industries – $3,550,000

  • Access Industries owns multiple companies, including major fracking company EP Energy, a top Permian Basin lease holder. (December 2015)
  • Access Industries also owns refiner LyondellBasell
  • Founded and chaired by Len Blavatnick, the 53rd richest man in the world. Blavatnick was born in Russia, lives in London, and maintains American citizenship.

Charles G. Koch 1997 Trust – $3,000,000

  • Charles Koch’s secretive organization gave 3,000,000 to the Freedom Partners Action Fund, the second largest single contribution of any organization to any Super PAC.
  • Freedom Partners Action Fund is also controlled by the Koch brothers.

Petrodome Energy – $2,015,000

  • Gave $2,000,000 to the Senate Leadership Fund
  • an oil and gas company based in Louisiana

Boich Co – $1,000,000

  • A coal company in Ohio, Boich Co. gave $1,000,000 to New Day for America, John Kasich’s Super PAC.

Chevron – $1,000,000

  • Gave $1,000,000 to Senate Leadership Fund

Jasper Reserves – $1,000,000

  • A West Virginia Coal Company gave $1,000,000 to Right to Rise

Top Super PAC Recipients of Fossil Corporation Money

Senate Leadership Fund: $4,750,000

  • A Super PAC dedicated to electing republican senators received the most from fossil organizations.

Freedom Partners Action Fund: $3,000,000

  • The Koch Brothers’ SuperPAC received $3 million from the Charles G Koch 1997 Trust, which is the second largest contribution from any organization to any Super PAC.

Unintimidated: $1,525,000

  • The Super PAC supporting Scott Walker received $1,525,000 from refining interests including Access Industries.

New Day for America: $1,115,000

  • A Super PAC supporting John Kasich received $1,115,000 from fossil organizations

Coal vs Gas

Coal Companies contributed $2,307,000

Oil and gas firms contributed over $10,000,000

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