Calm, Confident, and Prepared to #ProtectTheResults


November 4, 2020

Our movement must ensure that the 2020 presidential election results are fair, accurate, and fully accounted for.


It’s been a long journey. All possible votes have been cast, and the polls are now closed. We heard resoundingly from people like you (with massive voter turnout!) that the country is done with the worst president in modern history. Now, the most important thing is that every single vote is counted.

Every hour that passes, Biden’s lead only increases. He already has more votes that any other candidate in U.S. history.

Since a large percentage of ballots were sent by mail, and the margins of victory are projected to be super tight in important swing states, it’s going to take longer than usual to count all the votes and declare a winner — so we need to be patient but firm as we tell the world “Every vote counts!” This is how democracy works, especially during a pandemic with people choosing to mail in their ballots. Trump will lose by any fair system, and the will of the people will be heard.

We’re calm, confident, and patient — now, let’s get prepared to defend democracy if needed.

Will you join the movement to make sure every vote is counted? Get ready to #ProtectTheResults if needed — RSVP to an event near you this week.

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I’ve been waiting so long for this day. So much is on the line. We have to be vigilant to make sure every vote is counted and every voice is heard.

The results of the 2020 presidential election are going to shape the rest of our lives and the lives of our friends and family. We as a movement must be absolutely sure that the results are fair, accurate, and fully accounted.

As anticipated, Trump is attempting to use disinformation and distraction to prevent the legitimate counting of votes. Biden ran to defeat Trump and win back human decency. Trump ran to defeat democracy. That’s why we have to be active, engaged, and vigilant to make sure every vote is counted. We can and must win.

We may need to take to the streets to make sure every vote is counted. RSVP to a #ProtectTheResults event near you.

Since day one, Greenpeacers like you have been fighting for a better world. The past year, we’ve worked incredibly hard to get science-based solutions to climate change. We pushed Biden to adopt the most ambitious and far-reaching climate platform of any presidential nominee for a major party in history. And, even though he will need to go even further to end fossil fuel racism, the country is moving forward.

Your unified resistance to Trump’s climate denialism, white supremacy, and the accumulation of extreme wealth by a few billionaires have helped make today possible. Record-breaking volunteer participation and all the ways — big and small — in which you have refused to accept the cynical and destructive worldview of this administration have led to today. 

Through showing up and bringing our friends, family, and neighbors into this fight, we can make sure the next president is democratically elected and that public officials do everything in their power to ensure a fair outcome.

Today, let’s each one of us promise to take personal action to #ProtectTheResults, if needed. Bring your grief. Bring your rage. Bring your love. Divest from fear. Invest in believing that we can and must win. Let’s keep digging deeper, building broader, and getting stronger through the end of this election and beyond.

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