BREAKING: Obama Vetoes Keystone XL

by Annie Leonard

February 24, 2015

In a bold move for the climate, President Obama has vetoed the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.

Wow — I have some big news. Moments ago, President Obama issued a presidential veto against Congress bill to force construction of the Keystone XL pipeline. In vetoing KXL, President Obama is showing that hes listened to the people, not the polluters. This is an incredible moment for all who participated — this is your moment. I hope you celebrate this news with me today.

But the fight is not over. Today dozens of movement leaders, economists, musicians, filmmakers (including a few recent Oscar winners), and many more released a Unity Letter ahead of the President’s final decision.

Weve joined with to make sure the President hears the peoples call for full rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline. Add your voice today.

Just a few years ago, KXL was considered a done deal in Washington — but together we fought back. You made phone calls, sent emails and letters, and spoke up to friends and neighbors. Fossil fuel companies are throwing millions into maintaining their destructive status quo. But they didnt account for your perseverance, creativity, and courage. Youve rallied, youve marched, and now — in the final moments, in the final moments, you can take this through to the finish line!

Tell President Obama to go further than a presidential veto and REJECT the Keystone Pipeline proposal altogether!

The science is clear, the Keystone XL Pipeline would have a devastating effect on our climate and set the stage for increased fossil fuel dependence for years to come. And we know all too well that pipeline oil spills, like the recent 63,000-gallon spill near the Yellowstone River, has devastating effects to neighboring communities, drinking water, and our health.

The president’s outright rejection of the KXL permits would be the final nail in the coffin for Keystone. And with partisan bickering over the pipeline behind us, wed finally be able to focus on the real opportunity ahead: building Americas new, clean energy economy.

Please join me in asking President Obama to ensure his climate legacy by rejecting the Keystone XL proposal for good. This is a historic moment for the power of the peoples movement. Lets take this home!

Annie Leonard

By Annie Leonard

Annie Leonard is the co-Executive Director of Greenpeace USA. Leonard began her career at Greenpeace in 1988 and has returned to help the organization inspire and mobilize millions of people to take action to create a more sustainable future together. She is based in San Francisco.

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