Boston Globe: Greenpeace files complaint against Anti-Wind Crusader William Koch

by Kert Davies

December 17, 2010

wind turbines

The Boston Globe has a major feature piece today on a complaint we’ve filed with the IRS against the Koch-owned front group called the “Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound.”

The complaint asks the IRS to look into possible violations of the federal tax law when Protect Nantucket ran radio ads critical of Deval Patrick and his support for the offshore wind project in the late days of the 2010 race for Governor in Massachusetts.

As the Globe article explains:

“The Alliance’s conduct goes well beyond what is considered acceptable conduct for a 501(c)(3),’’ said Cheryl Cronin, a Boston attorney and former general counsel of the state campaign finance agency, who has been retained by Greenpeace. “This appears to be a deliberate and consistent effort to participate in a campaign in both a direct and indirect way.’’

An earlier Greenpeace report outlines billionare oilman Bill Koch’s heavy involvement in the funding of the Alliance to Protect Nantucket Sound and the group’s activities to try and squash efforts to build a clean energy economy in the State of Massachusetts.

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