Best Buy Is Wasting Ancient Forests, One Flyer at a Time

by Amy Moas

November 26, 2014

The parties to Resolute Forest Products, Inc. et al. v. Greenpeace International et al. and Resolute Forest Products, Inc. et al. v. Greenpeace Canada et al. have announced the conclusion of these long-running litigations. Please see the joint statement.

Today Greenpeace released a report exposing Best Buy, the giant electronics retailer, for fueling destruction in Canadas Boreal Forest. Our report reveals the company is sourcing an incredible 100 million pounds of paper every year from this ancient forest to produce throw-away flyers.

Best Buy is even sourcing this paper from controversial logging company Resolute Forest Products which is responsible for the destruction of vast swathes of Canadas Boreal Forest, degrading critical caribou habitat and logging without the consent of impacted First Nations.

Best Buy Campaign Logo


We wrote this report to bring to the publics attention something surprising. In the digital age, a company that specializes in gadgets and electronics is wasting ancient forests to make flyers.

Really, Best Buy?

The problem isnt using paper made in the Boreal. The problem is using massive amounts without making sure it comes from sustainable sources. Most responsible companies have clear policies to ensure sustainable fiber in their supply chains.

Companies like Kimberly-Clark and Hewlett-Packard have these safeguards in place. But not Best Buy. When Greenpeace compared Best Buy against the others, we were surprised to find the company has no requirements for avoiding endangered species habitat or respecting Indigenous rights. No preference for Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified forests!

These are basic criteria that the public expects and forests demand.

Best Buy says that sustainability must be an essential element of everything the company does. But do they mean it? The real test is whether they take concrete action to clean up their supply chains and start buying sustainably.

Clearly, theyre #NotTheBest, yet. Today, that is our message to BEST BUY: you can do BETTER!

Join us in sending a strong message to Best Buy. Help us protect our ancient forests by signing this petition.

Amy Moas

By Amy Moas

Amy Moas, Ph.D. is a senior forest campaigner for Greenpeace based in Las Vegas. She focuses on combating the drivers of deforestation around the world including palm oil, pulp and paper, and illegal logging.

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