Best Koch Brothers TV Expose Yet: Al Jazeera – People and Power

by Kert Davies

October 31, 2011

Amazing what a half hour of good television can do…

One forgets with all the crap on TV, the power of investigative journalism on the small screen.

The program PEOPLE AND POWER on Al Jazeerahas been working for months on the Koch Brothers expose.

Featured in the piece areJane Meyer of the New Yorker, Lee Fang of ThinkProgress, Lisa Graves of Center for Media and Democracy and myself, along with activists and union leaders in Wisconsin.

Al Jazeera reporter Bob Abeshouse and team went to the American Legislative Exchange Council meeting this August in New Orleans and got thrown out for asking questions you would expect actual journalists to ask.

They interviewed Tim Phillips of Americans for Prosperity and Patrick Micheals, career climate denier, once of University of Virginia, once Virginia State Climatologist and now just a grumpy fellow with flashy shoes at the Koch-funded Cato Institute.


Stitching together their own field research with the best Koch footage out there from Taki Oldham’s documentary Astroturf Wars and Lee Fang’s great jump interview of David Koch (with Tim Phillips trying desperately to cut it off), this story provides a great picture of the Koch Brothers campaign to dominate the American political arena.

The Greenpeace Research file on the Kochs continues to be updated with more and more case studies. You can hear more about the Kochs on Greenpeace Radio.

Hopefully this People and Power show will educate another couple million folks on the truth about the Koch Brothers. The show is airing another half dozen times if you are lucky enough to get Al Jazeera, or just watch it online, a couple times.

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