ALEC Denies that ALEC Denies Climate Change

by Connor Gibson

April 6, 2015

Here’s a headline you might expect to see on Reddit’s “Not The Onion” page:

Washington Post: This conservative group is tired of being accused of climate denial and is fighting back

The “conservative group” is ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council. ALEC is a lobbyists’ policy factory, where corporations vote as equals on “model bills” with state legislators.

The Post notes that ALEC takes issue with the label “climate change denier,” after the group’s work doing just that led to the departures of major corporate supporters. Two organizations got letters from ALEC’s lawyers, insinuating there would be legal action taken for accurately describing ALEC’s legacy of denying climate change.

If you want to see howALEC’s own member politicians, lobbyists, and materials deny the science of climate change, check out It’s in their own words, so they may have to send a Cease and Desist letter to themselves.

For the record, Greenpeace’s feelings are a bit hurt we too didn’t get a warning. Did you not see our years of work to expose ALEC’s climate change denial?

ALEC may have ignored us, but ALEC’s member corporations haven’t. Companies ranging from Google to BP to eBay to Northrop Grumman have recently dumped ALEC. Google’s chairman said ALEC is “literally lying” about climate change in a surprise announcement to abandonthe lobbying group on NPR’s The Diane Rehm Show.

This isn’t the first time ALEC got turned away at the dance. In the past, ALEC has faced mass corporate defections for its role in spreading lethalStand Your Ground gun laws across the country and for disenfranchising legitimate voters with “Voter ID” legislation. Over 100 companies have ditched ALEC.

Together, lobbyists and lawmakers create fill-in-the-blank laws to hide chemicals used in fracking (for ExxonMobil), attack renewable energy incentives in the name of “Electricity Freedom” (for The Heartland Institute’s corporate clients), and create red tape around the President’s plan to reduce carbon pollution from coal plants (for polluters represented by the Edison Electric Institute), and many many more examples of promoting fossil fuels, attacking clean energy competition and denying the science of climate change.

ALEC may be nervous with the attention its operations are getting. ALEC’s own lawyers have written about their precarious relationshipwith IRS tax law, acknowledging they would need to spin off a sister organization and register some staff as lobbyists in order to avoid potential action from the IRS that could affect ALEC’s tax-exempt status. For ALEC’s member corporations, that’s a big deal – it’s unclearwhat liabilities they would face if ALEC’s nonprofit status was revoked.

Common Cause – one of the organizations to get these legal threats from ALEC over the “climate denial” exposure – has submitted detailed complaints to the IRS documenting how ALEC operations likely violate their nonprofit status. So far, the IRS has failed to do its job and walk into the shadows of ALEC’s operations, where there is every indication that ALEC has crossed the line.

So no hard feelings, Common Cause. You’re probably getting the legal letters because ALEC would rather have you arguing about climate science that their questionable relationship with the IRS.

Joe Bast ALEC climate change denial John Piscopo ALEC climate change denial Lisa Nelson ALEC climate change denial

Connor Gibson

By Connor Gibson

Connor Gibson is a former member of Greenpeace's Investigations team. He focused on polluting industries, their front groups, and PR operatives, particularly on the Koch Brothers.

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