40,000 of You Wrote Letters to President Obama About the Dangers of Arctic Drilling

by April Glaser

September 11, 2015

More than 40,000 letters have poured in demanding President Obama take real climate leadership and pull the brakes on Arctic drilling. Here are some personal stories about why Arctic oil must stay in the ground and why climate change matters to people like you.

© Bernd Roemmelt / Greenpeace

When President Obama visited Alaska earlier this month to talk about climate change, he didn’t  mention that his own administration gave the green light to Shell’s oil drilling in the Alaskan Arctic – one of the most dangerous and costly projects in the history of fossil fuel extraction.

But concerned action-takers didn’t miss a beat. More than 40,000 people across the world have written  personal letters to President Obama, hoping that while he was in Alaska, he’d do the right thing and address the disaster in the Arctic that could happen on his watch.

The letters that people shared about why ending Arctic oil drilling matters them are incredibly inspiring, and they continue to pour in. But here’s the problem: President Obama still hasn’t gotten the message.

Share your story now. Every voice counts, and the more people who take action, the louder our demands become.
Here are a just a few of the reasons people shared with us about why they’re joining the fight to stop Arctic drilling:

Why do you oppose Arctic oil?

Arctic oil is the wrong response to climate change. We need our elected representatives to get the message, before it’s too late.

April Glaser

By April Glaser

April is a mobilization specialist for Greenpeace USA's online team, focusing on the Arctic campaign. Prior to Greenpeace, April was an organizer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, where she worked on a wide range of digital rights issues; her writing has appeared in Slate and Wired, to name a few.

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