30 things you can do for the Arctic 30

by Juliette Hauville

October 17, 2013

Little girl holding a poster of Phil Ball, one of the Arctic 30, at the Russian Embassy to ask for his release. This protest is part of an emergency Global Day of Solidarity for the 'Arctic 30. Tens of thousands of people participate in activities held in over 160 locations in 46 countries throughout the world. A Russian court charged twenty-eight Greenpeace International activists, as well as a freelance videographer and photographer, with piracy this week. The charges follow a peaceful protest against Arctic oil drilling at a Gazprom oil platform in the Pechora Sea.

© John Cobb / Greenpeace

'Arctic 30' Global Day of Solidarity in LondonWe continue to be overwhelmed by the amount of support, messages, letters, posters, sent to us for the Arctic 30.

Many of you have written to us asking what more you can do to help them, especially when you are far away from cities where protests are organised. So we made this list: 30 ways you can help them.

If you have extra ideas, we’d love to hear them. Leave a comment below to share!

'Arctic 30' Global Day of Solidarity in Copenhagen

  1. Send a letter to the Russian embassy in your country.
  2. Get to know the Arctic 30 – Read and share their profiles.
  3. Get the facts about the Arctic 30 – Read and share the timeline.
  4. Watch and share this video about Gazprom and Shell.
  5. Send an email to friends and family asking them to send a letter to Russian embassies.
  6. Tweet about the Arctic 30.
  7. Ask friends on Facebook to send a letter to Russian embassies.
  8. Add a twibbon to your Twitter profile picture.
  9. Change your Facebook profile picture.
  10. Send a letter to the Arctic 30.
  11. Download a poster, print it and put it in your window.
  12. Share your poster on social media and tag your friends in it.
  13. Go to Shell’s Facebook page and ask them about their partnership with Gazprom.
  14. Go to Gazprom’s Facebook page and ask about the Arctic 30.
  15. Call Shell and ask them about their partnership with Gazprom.
  16. Write a blog about the Arctic 30 and share it with us.
  17. Write a song about the Arctic 30 and share it with us.
  18. Write to your representative, congressperson, national assembly representative, and voice your concern about the Arctic 30.
  19. Organise a small vigil with a few friends in a local public park.
  20. Write a letter to the editor of your local paper about the Arctic 30.
  21. Print and distribute a leaflet about the Arctic 30 – or leave it at the check-out of a friendly local business.
  22. Write positive comments under online articles about the Arctic30.
  23. Make and share social media images and memes.
  24. Print these signs and get 15 friends, a camera and tag an event.
  25. Add a banner to your email signature.
  26. If youre a student in high school or university, talk to your class about the Arctic 30.
  27. Create your own poster.
  28. Help the Arctic30 defeat Big Oil: If you still drive your car to work, pick at least one day a week to commute by bike or public transport.
  29. Help the Arctic30 protect the Arctic from climate change: If it’s possible in your area, switch your electricity company to a renewable energy supplier.
  30. Share this list and get 3 friends to join you!

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