Partnership for Green Reconstruction

At this critical moment, Greenpeace has launched the “Green Reconstruction of Ukraine” project, an initiative driven by hope and resilience.

The Problem

Amid the devastation caused by the Russian invasion, the urgency to rebuild Ukraine is palpable. Schools, hospitals, and kindergartens are not operating properly, so people can’t get medical support, children – education, and the possibility of a childhood.

While the temptation to revert to quick, outdated solutions like gas systems or nuclear energy is present, such choices are short-sighted and irresponsible. Ukraine deserves better. We believe in a future where Ukraine is rebuilt with modern ecological models that ensure a healthy, sustainable environment for generations.

What we can do

This project is more than just rebuilding; it’s about transforming Ukraine into a beacon of sustainability and future-orientedness.

Greenpeace is dedicated to showcasing the best modern technologies for reconstruction, highlighting how we can rise from the ashes not with outdated, polluting systems but with innovative, eco-friendly solutions.

Our mission is to coordinate efforts both within Ukraine and globally to support Ukrainian municipalities in their green rebuilding endeavors. We aim to inspire and demonstrate the power of sustainable practices in reconstructing schools, hospitals, and kindergartens.

More about Greenpeace projects on green reconstruction