Dnipro River Integrated Vision

The Dnipro River Integrated Vision combines research, scenarios, and proposals for planners, policymakers, experts, and the public to encourage collaboration and dialogue about the river’s future despite the ongoing war.

An important outcome of the project is the energy modeling of the city of Kremenchuk, which revealed the enormous potential for energy efficiency and local production of solar energy in the case of residential and social buildings in Ukraine.

This research was conducted in cooperation with Ro3kvit Urban Coalition for Ukraine. 

Photo – © Oleksandr Malyon

In Summer of 2023, Greenpeace and Ro3kvit teamed up to develop a vision for the Dnipro River. To show the unused potential. To create dialogue and share knowledge. To give alternatives. To inspire.

This website is a ‘popular version’ of the work we have done in 10 months. There is a report in Ukrainian and English that can be downloaded for free. In this report there are many links to articles, research, archives that can be looked at.