
首頁 v2018


新聞稿 海洋
3 min

「外籍漁工人權保障聯盟」呼籲漁業署加強改革力道 讓臺灣從「強迫勞動清單」中除名

“The Coalition for Human Rights for Migrant Fishers" Call On The Government To Strengthen The Reforms On Forced Labor In DWF Industry

作者: 外籍漁工人權保障聯盟


對此,由臺灣7個NGO組成的「外籍漁工人權保障聯盟」表示,我們樂於看到漁業署採取相關行動來解決遠洋船隻上對外籍漁工不當對待問題, 但是,臺灣首次被列入這份強迫勞動清單的原因,顯然是因為政策落實與海上監管的不足所造成;漁工必須支付保證金已構成債務勞動,是最迫切需要解決的問題之一。報導中提到的些許措施雖是好的開始,但無法完全終結海上的侵害人權行為,更無法確保能讓臺灣從清單中除名;例如,雖然漁業署回應中表示將強迫勞動列入人口販運的回報條件中,但若沒有充足且專業的稽查,還是無法及時察覺強迫勞動的情況。


  • 漁業管理資訊透明化,建立可追溯的資訊整合系統
  • 落實薪資全額直接給付並且避免任何中間剝削及非法扣款
  • 強化對國內外港口及海上作業中漁船的勞動檢查與建立海上救援體系(包括讓漁工得以使用網路)、落實仲介費不由移工負擔等。
  • 針對強迫勞動的11項指標,進行徹底、主動積極的調查。
  • 將「勞動基準法」適用所有外籍漁工,由勞動部管理,外籍漁工與本國漁工享有同樣的權益與保障。並應加速國內法化國際勞工組織(ILO)的「漁撈工作公約」(C188),提出明確時程表。





Taipei, Taiwan, March 23, 2021:  Taiwan was included for the first time in the U.S. Department of Labor’s “List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor” last year due to persistent and systemic forced labor in Taiwan’s Distant Water Fishing (DWF) industry. Last week, the Fisheries Agency responded to SeafoodSource, an international media outlet focused on the seafood industry, and it shared the many measures that have been taken in hopes of removing Taiwan  from the List as soon as possible.

In response, The Coalition for Human Rights for Migrant Fishers, which is composed of 7 NGOs and trade unions in Taiwan stated:

"We are happy to see the Fisheries Agency take relevant measures in addressing the issue of improper treatment of migrant fishers on Taiwanese-flagged vessels. However, the reason Taiwan is included on the DOL List is obviously due to inadequate laws and policies, insufficient policy implementation, and failure to meet its responsibilities of monitoring and enforcement as a flag state. Migrant fishers pay deposits that constitute debt bondage, one of the most urgent problems to be solved. Although the few measures mentioned in the media report are a good start, they cannot completely end forced labor at sea, let alone ensure that Taiwan will be removed from the List. For example, although the Fisheries Agency stated in its response that forced labor is included among the conditions preventing foreign-flagged vessels from entering Taiwan's ports, and a reporting requirement for Taiwan-flagged vessels, it is still impossible to detect forced labor in a timely manner without adequate and professional inspections.”

With regard to the measures needed, we call on the government to:

  • increase transparency in the fishery sector by requiring disclosure of vessel position and the establishment of a traceable information integration system;
  • pay full wages without illegal deductions;
  • increase the frequency and reliability of port inspections (both fishery and labor) for all vessels, especially DWF vessels.
  • apply the “Labor Standard Act” to all migrant fishers, and ensure migrant fishers are governed by the Ministry of Labor with the same rights and protections as Taiwanese fishers.
  • establish a clear timeline for a swift and full domestication and implementation of the ILO Work in Fishing Convention (C188).

Finally, the Fisheries and Human Rights Action Plan being drafted by the Fisheries Agency must be discussed with relevant civil society organizations such as the “The Coalition for Human Rights for Migrant Fishers" to ensure that the reforms planned can actually solve the root causes of and significantly reduce forced labor at sea. Only effective reforms will get Taiwan removed from the dishonorable List.

Members of the Coalition ‘Human Rights for Migrant Fishers’:

Taiwan International Workers' Association (TIWA)
Yilan Migrant Fishermen Union (YMFU)

Keelung Migrant Fishermen Union (KMFU)

Taiwan Association for Human Rights (TAHR)
Serve the People Association (SPA)
Greenpeace East Asia (GPEA)
Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF)

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