Carolina was an incredible young woman with a huge heart and astonishing determination. At just 29 years of age she had, with grace, intelligence and sheer force of will achieved so very much. She dedicated her working life to the protection of nature, bringing people together to save what is best in this world. She could reach deep into the heart of an issue, grip it, and then reach into your heart and leave it there.

For all of us at Greenpeace, Carolina was a shining star. Carolina’s conviction was always that if we are to win the greatest challenges of mankind, Greenpeace must forge new alliances and collaborations that create a greater and more permanent impact than what we could achieve alone. The partnerships Carolina created and the millions she raised enabled not just Greenpeace, but the wider environmental and human rights movements, to drive change for a better world. The influencers who accepted her invitations to join their voices with ours helped to engage millions of people to speak powerful words of truth.

Her skill in securing enthusiastic support from powerful people was a skill that was rare and inspiring. With her colleagues she freely shared these skills, as freely as she shared her deep and passionate affinity for the world she sought to protect. At home and across the globe Carolina always acted with courage and sought to empower and enable, lifting others up to reach new heights in their work and their leadership.

Funds received in memory of Carolina will be used to establish a Greenpeace fund in Carolina’s name. This fund will, in accordance with her family’s wishes, be used to empower and grow incredible young women who care as deeply for the wellbeing of our planet, and the people that inhabit this earth, as she did. From this fund we will give grants in Carolina’s name to individuals that, with a little help, can make an even greater impact to protect our natural environment and all that call it home.

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