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  • Floods in South Kalimantan. © Putra / Greenpeace

    An Environmental Crisis in Borneo

    At the start of 2021, amidst the Covid -19 pandemic, Borneo found itself in the news with the widespread floodings in South Kalimantan. Unlike the recent devastating earthquake in Sulawesi, the floodings were triggered by a series of events that could have been prevented by the Indonesian government.

    Arie Rompas
  • Nuclear weapons are illegal at last

    Nuclear arms are the most destructive, indiscriminate and monstrous weapons ever produced – but today, we can all celebrate a major milestone in the long march towards peace: the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) is now part of international law.

    Greenpeace Southeast Asia
  • Shopping at Zero Waste Shop in Seoul. © Soojung Do / Greenpeace

    Green living starter kit for the new year

    When individuals make a collective effort, you’d be surprised how effective we can be in curbing our carbon footprint and lessening the burden we put on the environment. If you’re still thinking about what resolutions to keep for 2021, here are a few that can make a difference.

    Greenpeace Southeast Asia
  • Responsible e-shopping in the time of COVID-19

    If we think about it, our simple shopping results in so much environmental footprint that it make us ask: how do we become more environmentally-conscious with our shopping?

    Jefferson Chua
  • Brand Audit in Tangerang, Banten. © Herka Yanis Pangaribowo / Greenpeace

    Job opening: Zero-Waste Campaigner

    The Zero Waste Campaigner will help address current issues on solid waste and unsustainable food systems, both in major cities in the Philippines, as well as in rural communities in the country.

    Greenpeace Southeast Asia
  • 'Not Just Tuna' Action in Washington, DC. © Robert Meyers / Greenpeace

    We cannot afford fish that costs lives

    Small-scale fisheries and traditional and subsistence fisherfolk all around the world are proving that there is a better way to catch and distribute seafood. It’s past time we look to them and demand a better normal for the world’s fisheries.

    Elizabeth Monaghan
  • Justice in the face of extreme climate disasters

    It is only right that we continue to put public pressure on these big carbon polluters and raise our voices for justice. Let’s make 2020 count, let it be the year when we stand with climate-impacted communities as they reclaim their rights to a safe and stable climate.

    Yeb Saño
  • Modern Slavery Of Indonesian Fishers Protest in Jakarta. © Adhi Wicaksono / Greenpeace

    Why are Indonesian fishing crews dying?

    With easy access to mobile technology, migrant fishers are able to document their mistreatment and often, evidence of illegal fishing and bycatch, such as shark finning. It’s led to an outpouring of attention and renewed focus on forced labour, human trafficking, and other forms of exploitation that have been commonplace on industrial fishing vessels for…

  • Twenty in 2020

    As I look at what is happening right across the region today, I draw great inspiration and hope from the younger generation, who through climate marches, strikes and innovative public actions, is channelling the same pioneering spirit of our founders to hold governments and corporations to account for their actions and activities.

    Yeb Saño
  • A Reunion for the Ages

    Fascinating, moving, and inspiring; this is the story of eight ordinary human beings who went beyond their limits to make a change for the better.

    Greenpeace Southeast Asia