“Without the oceans there would be no life on Earth. They help create the air we breathe, drive our weather systems and are home to a staggering 80 per cent of all life on Earth. We now know that human activities are having a serious impact so here are some simple things you can do to help save our oceans.”

1. Watch what you are eating!

Avoid buying seafood that comes from stocks that are being overfished or is caught using destructive fishing methods. Check the Red List here.

Demand that your supermarket and tuna brand source sustainable tuna. Look for tuna cans with “Pole and Line” or “Hand-Caught.”

Speak up about your concerns if you spot a threatened species on the menu or at the seafood counter.

2. Use less plastic so there’s less chance of it ending up in the sea

For example, you can drink tap water in a reusable bottle or take along your favourite mug to your local coffee shop. Use reusable food containers, shopping bags and picnic supplies. Try to reuse and recycle as much as you can.

3. Reduce your Energy Consumption

We need to use less fossil fuel to reduce the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification on the oceans. Leave the car at home at least one day a week and inflate your tyres more often. Be conscious of your energy use at home and work, switch to energy efficient light bulbs and unplug your appliances and gadgets or use a power strip to cut power to electronics when they are not in use.

4. Keep your beach clean!

It’s obvious but please don’t throw your rubbish on the beach or into the sea. Make a difference and join in with beach clean-ups. You can do it on your own or join a community team. If you smoke, use an ashtray and please don’t flush your cotton buds down the toilet as they end up in the sea and are amongst the main source of litter on our beaches.

5. Be a responsible traveller

For your holiday destination chose a country that supports ocean sanctuaries. Always research the most eco-friendly option and whenever possible avoid flying or offset your carbon footprint by supporting for example clean-energy projects. Avoid buying coral jewellery, tortoiseshell hair accessories, and shark or other endangered marine species products.

6. Keep it Clean!

No matter how far from the sea you live, your drainage water will eventually end up in the ocean. Use biodegradable washing powder, chemical free household and gardening products or simple, non-toxic ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, or lemon juice.

7. Be an ocean friendly pet owner.

Never flush kitty litter down the toilet and avoid buying wild caught saltwater fish.

8. Become an ocean defender and help influence change in your community

Learn more about the oceans, marine life and the need for ocean sanctuaries, then share your knowledge so you can educate and inspire others.

You can help influence change. Contact your local politicians to let them know you support ocean sanctuaries and other marine conservation projects, and vote for environmentally-minded parties.

9. Join Greenpeace.

You can be a volunteer and a financial supporter.

10. Share this with family and friends.

Spread the words. Share these guidelines through Facebook and Twitter!

Protect the Oceans

The threats facing our oceans are getting more urgent, find out how you can make a difference

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