Public Perspective and Demand Toward Plastic Pollution Crisis in Indonesia

This report is aimed at examining the issue of single use plastic in Indonesia. The public’s behavior, the role of manufacturers and governmental policies will all be considered. Plastic has now become a global issue which requires and integrated management system to find a solution. 

While the public are united in their opposition to the harm that single used plastic causes to the environment, they are still highly dependent on this material. Plastic is the most convenient, cost effective and readily available packaging on the market. 

Many believe companies are responsible in this matter as public can only choose based on availability in the market. The public is still dissatisfied by corporation’s sustainability programs regarding plastic waste reduction, especially in FMCG industry. They expect manufacturers to be more proactive in handling the environmental issues related to single-use plastic packaging. In fact, the public perceives brands better when they care more about the issue of plastic waste.

In this report, Greenpeace Indonesia wants to show that the public have a demand for all parties, especially corporations to take immediate real action to deal with the plastic pollution crisis. Major changes to the corporate business model have been the main demand. This could be realize by reducing the single use plastic packaging production and managing their plastic waste which has polluted the environment.