Annisa Rahmawati, senior campaigner for Greenpeace Southeast Asia, said:

“A new report by Amnesty International has revealed widespread child and forced labour at plantations controlled by palm oil giant Wilmar International. Wilmar claims to be aware of the problem but instead of taking action it has responded with a meaningless call for the industry to work together. This is just passing the buck.”

“Investigation after investigation has caught palm oil companies profiting from child labour or forest destruction. Yet companies act as though they are the victims. Wilmar and the other palm oil giants must take responsibility for what happens in their supply chains by excluding suppliers that refuse to stop destroying forests or exploiting workers and communities.”


Note to editors:

  1. The Amnesty International report is here:

Media contacts:

Annisa Rahmawati, Forest Campaigner, Greenpeace Indonesia
Mobile: +62 8111097527

Sol Gosetti, International Communications Coordinator, Indonesia Forest campaign, [email protected],

Mobile: +44 7380845754