Manila – Greenpeace Philippines welcomed the Climate Change Commission recently released Commission Resolution 2016-001, which calls for a “national policy review” of the country’s energy policy in order to reduce the country’s dependence on coal, and transition to renewable energy.

Greenpeace expects that the results of this review of the energy sector may further encourage not only investments in renewable energy but also lay the groundwork for job growth in the renewables sector.

“It’s about time that the Philippine government agencies come together to address the escalating climate problem facing Filipinos. Our global demands will only have the proper moral ascendancy if we walk the talk and are also applying our same recommendations at home,” said Amalie Obusan, Country Director of Greenpeace Philippines.

“The Philippines is at the forefront of climate impacts. Filipinos lose their lives, livelihood and opportunities year after year as a result of extreme weather events. We know we cannot afford to go on a path of development that is not sustainable and which will negate our economic gains in the long run.

“In our struggle for climate justice, we need to ensure a low-carbon energy path, and join the global movement in shifting to a fossil fuel-free future,” said Obusan

Greenpeace is looking forward to the incoming Duterte Administration putting this resolution into practice. President-elect Rodrigo Duterte himself has stated his support for a transition to renewable energy sources during the election campaign.

There is great potential for renewable energy in the Philippines, but their development has been hampered by bureaucratic and administrative hurdles in policies and business models that favor fossil fuels.

Notes to the editor:
[1] Republic Act (RA)10771 was signed into law by President Aquino on April 29, 2016.

Media contact:

Angelica Carballo Pago, Media Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia (Philippines), email: [email protected], mobile: +639498891332