Jakarta— Today, a giant Pinocchio politician led a procession of dozens of organisations to the tune of a marching band as they wound their way along Jakarta’s main thoroughfares to highlight Indonesia’s democratic and environmental crises. The joint student and NGO action took place exactly one week before voting day in the 2024 national elections.

If the election results in power falling into the hands of a leader who is hostage to the interests of the political-economic oligarchy, Indonesia’s already poor situation with human rights, climate, biodiversity and education will only worsen.

Over the past decade, Indonesians have witnessed murky politics full of conflicts of interest, in which the ordinary public are marginalised and excluded from participation. Laws and projects are drafted recklessly, criticism is ignored and silenced, human rights violations recur and are not resolved, and exploitation and environmental destruction is carried out under the guise of development.

These past two terms of government have been bad news for society and for Earth. Through today’s action, we call on voters throughout the country, especially the younger generation, to re-examine the vision and mission as well as the track records of presidential and vice presidential candidates, their supporting political parties, and legislative candidates, before making a choice at the ballot box in a week’s time.

With this action, the Koalisi Pilih Pulih (Vote to Recover) Coalition, declares the following:

  1. We will continue to speak out and invite the public to continue to speak out about the various crises facing Indonesia. Extractive economic policies that increasingly strengthen oligarchic power have given rise to a climate crisis, impoverishment, deprivation of living space for farmers, fishing families, women, Indigenous communities, the urban poor and other marginalised groups. This situation bodes ill for the future of young people, made worse by the commercialization of education which limits Indonesian children’s right to access affordable quality education.
  2. We will continue to shout loudly about the betrayal of the constitution and democracy, ongoing human rights violations and past human rights violations that have not been resolved. We invite the public to continue to demand that the state resolve human rights violations and eliminate impunity; The state must acknowledge the existence of human rights violations and prosecute the perpetrators.
  3. We call on the public to seize the moment of the 2024 election to urge Indonesia’s future leadership to free itself from oligarchic interests, and to ensure recovery from the multidimensional crisis that has occurred. Recovering from environmental damage and the climate crisis, recover from agrarian inequality, and eliminate discriminatory policies.
  4. We urge the incoming government to implement a just energy transition to overcome the climate crisis. Ensure a just and sustainable economy. End addiction to fossil fuels, and refuse false solutions!
  5. We urge the incoming government to stop the expansion of large-scale land development to achieve zero deforestation, protect our remaining forests and peatlands, especially in Papua, and restore critical areas. The protection and recognition of the rights of Indigenous peoples is critical in achieving this.
  6. We demand the future government to end all forms of discrimination, and ensure inclusive development so that all elements of society, especially marginalised groups from across the spectrum of gender and sexual orientation, religious and racial minority groups, Indigenous communities and the disabled have their rights respected and can always be actively involved in policy.
  7. Beyond the election, we will continue to choose to speak out and invite all elements of society to strengthen people’s political participation, so that the true goal of democracy can be realised: to guarantee the fulfilment of people’s rights to a healthy environment, prosperity, safety, security and education, for the sake of today’s generation and future generations.

VOTE to RECOVER Coalition, Jakarta, 7 February 2024

Select carnival action photos and videos can be accessed in this gallery.

Arie Rompas (Greenpeace Indonesia), 08115200822
Bella Nathania (Indonesian Center for Environmental Law), 081382777068
Meike Inda (Trend Asia), 085268070230
Rahyang Nusantara (Aliansi Zero Waste Indonesia – AZWI), 08118128842
Wirya Adiwena (Amnesty International Indonesia), 08118881724
International media: Igor O’Neill (Greenpeace Indonesia), [email protected] +61-414-288-424

Vote to Recover Coalition
Greenpeace Indonesia
Jeda Untuk Iklim
Climate Ranger
XR Indonesia
Serikat Mahasiswa Indonesia
KPA Arkadia
My Green Leaders
Power Up
Front Mahasiswa Nasional (FMN)
Bike to Work
Eksekutif Nasional WALHI
WALHI Jakarta
Amnesty International Indonesia
Trend Asia
Konsorsium Pembaruan Agraria
Pantau Gambut
Green Thousands
Madani Berkelanjutan
LBH Pers
Perhimpunan Jiwa Sehat
Institute for National and Democracy Studies (INDIES)
Sawit Watch