Jakarta – On the 10th of September 2021, the Indonesian government terminated its agreement on REDD+ with the Norwegian government. Greenpeace Indonesia notes that this action shows a breakdown in cooperation and commitment between the two governments in taking serious joint action against climate change. 

“The Norway – Indonesia agreement was supposed to enable the two countries to contribute ‘beyond their fair share’ to ensure average global temperature rise is kept below 2℃. Judging from progress so far and looking at the IPCC Report on Climate Change and Land, efforts under this partnership have fallen far from achieving that,” Kiki Taufik, global head of Greenpeace’s Indonesian Forests Campaign said. “Regardless of the fate of the original agreement, we need far more ambitious targets, and more international cooperation, not less.”

Greenpeace Indonesia is concerned about what the move to end the agreement means for Indonesia’s ambition in terms of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). Our nation’s original commitment was to reduce emissions by 26% by 2020 under our own efforts, and as much as 41% by 2020 with international assistance. 

“We have already seen our goals shifted backwards with only 29% reduction by 2030 in Indonesia’s NDC commitment, and 41% with international support by 2030. Does this rejection of Indonesia’s most prominent international partnership signal a lack of ambition to reach the 41% emissions reduction goal?” Kiki said.

The agreement included the principle that all stakeholders including indigenous, local peoples,  and civil society should be given the opportunity for full and effective participation in the program’s forest protection activities. Unfortunately, there is still a serious lack of transparency and participation in Indonesia’s forest management approach. The national government is still blocking public access to crucial information on plantations awarded, for example, despite supreme court orders. 

In terms of transportation and energy, the Indonesian government’s new bill on renewable energy signals that in 2050 the country will still be relying on fossil fuels, albeit in new forms such as coal gasification, coal liquefaction, and coal bed methane. This plan to continue dependency on coal is confirmed via the best case scenario in the Long Term Strategy on Low Carbon and Climate Resilience, in which coal will still fuel 38 percent of power plant capacity in 2050. The government’s biodiesel program further shows a failure of ambition to reduce emissions, as it may lead to further deforestation and land conversion as per Greenpeace Indonesia’s report on biodiesel. 

Although the result of the agreement on REDD+ between Indonesia and Norway has ended and its results are far from fulfilling its target, international collaboration is still needed and important to reducing deforestation and carbon emissions. Greenpeace encourages both countries to explore new ways of collaboration to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, looking at the urgency of the climate crisis. 

Media Contacts:

Arkian Suryadarma, Forest Campaigner Greenpeace Indonesia
E: [email protected]; M: +62 8119-742-992 

Adila Isfandiari, Climate and Energy Campaigner Greenpeace Indonesia
E: [email protected]; M: +62 811-155-760 

Rahma Shofiana, Media Campaigner Greenpeace Indonesia
E: [email protected]; M: +62 8111-461-674