Quezon City, Philippines– Yesterday afternoon, President Rodrigo Duterte signed the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 (Republic Act 11479) into law.

Yeb Saño, Executive Director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia, said:

“Greenpeace joins fellow Filipinos and civil society groups in calling for a repeal of the Anti-Terrorism Law. There is a real danger that the law’s sweeping definition of terrorism may be abused to stifle activism and dissent.

“The signing of the Anti-Terrorism Bill is a huge blow to the decades of hard work and sacrifice by environmental activists to stop harmful laws and bad corporate practices that abet environmental destruction. Many of the gains we have won as Filipinos in protecting our health and livelihoods, and in defending our rights to a clean and healthy environment, became possible because people stood up, spoke out and worked together to peacefully challenge injustice.

“We at Greenpeace believe that activism is essential for a better normal. We will continue to speak out and act in solidarity, ensuring that those whose voices remain unheard will be heard. We will not be silenced. We will continue to bear witness and expose policies and practices that go against respect for human rights, peace, justice and environmental protection. We will continue to work with fellow Filipinos in espousing solutions. We will continue to protest, rise and resist.”

Media Contact:
Angeli Cantillana, Communications Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
[email protected]; +63 998 595 9733 or +63 995 419 1496