Manila — In reaction to the proposed Anti-Terrorism Bill in the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives, Lea Guerrero, country director of Greenpeace Philippines, said: 

“Greenpeace Philippines stands with the country’s civil society community in rejecting and opposing the proposed anti-terror bill and its provisions that serve to stifle activism and dissent.

“Activism is not a crime–it is a prerequisite to a green, just and peaceful society. Empowered participation and collective citizen action in political discourse, including in opposing harmful government policies and business practices, are vital in protecting the health and well-being of Filipinos and the environment on which we depend.

“The COVID-19 health crisis must not be used as an excuse to suppress the rule of law and fundamental rights, or as a cover to fast track policies that are not in the interest of the Filipino people. Moving forward and learning lessons from the pandemic, the government should realize that citizens are not their enemies but are partners in nation building, and should encourage active and critical people participation in governance.”

Media contact:

Angeli Cantillana, Communications Campaigner, Greenpeace Philippines
E: [email protected] M: +63998 595 9733 or +63995 419 1496