Phuket – Grade 5 and 6 Thai students from Phuket and Phang Nga [1] showed off their culinary skills in a vegetarian cooking competition today in celebration of World Meat Free Day. The competition was among a series of activities organised by Greenpeace during the tour of their flagship, the Rainbow Warrior, in Thailand.

This World Meat Free Day, Greenpeace offices around the world are calling on cities to reduce global meat and dairy consumption by introducing two plant-based meals a week in public institutions by 2020. The livestock industry releases as much greenhouse gases as all cars, trucks, planes and ships put together, globally[2]. If left unchecked, climate harming emissions from the livestock industry could undermine the success of the Paris Climate Agreement.

“Eating less meat and more vegetables has a positive impact both on our health and on the future of our planet,” said Watcharapol Daengsubha, Food and Ecological Agriculture Campaigner of Greenpeace Southeast Asia. “One of the primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions is from industrial meat production. In Thailand, Greenpeace is calling for the institution of a robust national sustainable food policy that promotes nutrition and is beneficial to the environment as well.”

“Every child needs and deserves healthy food. We hope that this activity can encourage children to eat more vegetables,” said Thai celebrity chef Pom Thanarak Chuto. “Thai cuisine is known around the world for its unique use of spices and the huge variety of nutrient-dense vegetables used. These already present a multitude of choices for schools and parents to provide healthy local fruits and vegetables that are beneficial for their children.”

Chef Pom, Hettie Greenen, the Captain of the Rainbow Warrior, and Willie Ferrer, the chef of the Rainbow Warrior are the judges of the cooking contest that was held at the Phuket deep sea port. Other highlights during the event included the forum “VEG Talk: Less Meat, More Veggies.” The talk featured experts in food who discussed how the world’s current food systems need to be improved, and Maria Poonlertlarp, Miss Universe Thailand 2017 who talked about how changing our diets can lead to good health and a healthier planet. Greenpeace is encouraging the public to tackle unhealthy food systems and to fight for a better future through our food choices, one bite at a time. [3]

According toa recent report from Greenpeace International, global meat and dairy production and consumption must be halved by 2050 to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.[4] Changing our meat-intensive diets to more plant-based alternatives also provides many benefits to our health. Excessive consumption of red meat has been linked to cancer, heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. Plant-based diets, on the other hand, can reduce the risk of those diseases.

The World Meat Free Day event is part of the “100% Renewable Energy for All” tour of the Rainbow Warrior in Thailand. The ship is in the country to highlight critical environmental issues. Greenpeace is working in solidarity with communities and with concerned citizens to celebrate people power and to call on policymakers to phase out coal and to champion solutions through an inclusive and sustainable economic development model based on just, affordable, and sustainable renewable energy systems. For more information about the tour, please visit



[1] Ban Lipon school, Anuban Phuket school, Ban Bangrong from Phuket and Ban Thong Lang, Ban Klongkian and Ban Ao Makham from Phang Nga province.

[2] IPCC 2014: Smith, P., et al. 2014. Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-Use (AFOLU).

[3] Speakers at VEG Talk are Kingkorn Narintarakul Na Ayuthaya, Biothai, Watcharapol Daengsubha, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, Ply Pirom, WWF-Thailand, Amnaj Maiyodkrang, Wang Nam Khiao Non-toxic Agriculture Cooperative under the Royal Initiative and Maria Poonlertlarp, Miss Universe Thailand 2017.

[4] Report: “Less is More: Reducing Meat and Dairy for a Healthier Life and Planet”

[5] An infographic on vegetable nutrition can be downloaded

[6] For more information on Greenpeace’s Less Meat, More Veggies Campaign, please visit




Somrudee Panasudtha, Media Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia

Tel.: 081 929 5747 Email: [email protected]