Make polluters pay

Let’s call on the Philippine government to hold these fossil fuel companies accountable and make them pay for loss and damage.
Sign the petition below:

Protest at Shell Depot in Batangas, Philippines. © Greenpeace

Climate Justice for all

Communities who are least responsible for climate change are in the frontlines of the crisis, losing their lives, homes, and livelihoods from floods, storm surges, landslides, destructive winds, and intense rains brought regularly by super typhoons. Meanwhile, many coastal communities are also experiencing the threat of rising sea levels and ocean warming and acidification also brought about by climate change.

Aside from coping with death and destruction, countries like the Philippines are losing hundreds of billions of dollars from addressing multiple and compounding climate impacts that ravage communities yearly, further straining the country’s limited capacity to respond to other pressing development challenges.

Meanwhile, the world’s biggest and richest oil and gas companies, who are largely responsible for climate emissions, continue to expand operations, bringing in record-breaking profits as they drill for more oil, gas, and coal accelerating climate change—even while communities continue to experience ever-worsening climate impacts.

Post Super Typhoon Karding, farmers in Tarlac call for Loss and Damage finance.

But communities are not taking this injustice sitting down. Many of them are standing up for climate justice to reclaim their future, holding fossil fuel companies to account, and calling on governments to make polluters pay.

Let’s stand with Filipino communities calling for an end to fossil fuels and payment for climate damages

The climate crisis we are experiencing right now was brought about by the world’s biggest and richest fossil fuel companies. For too long, these companies have profited from climate destruction and immense human suffering.

While they count their billions, people across the globe count the damage from the record-breaking typhoons, floods, droughts, and heatwaves that these companies are fueling. This is the stark reality of climate injustice, and we must end it!