Volunteer Guidelines

Read our guidelines on how to volunteer for Greenpeace Southeast Asia.

1. Basic Policy

Greenpeace Southeast Asia (GPSEA) believes that public support is key to the success of our mission to save the environment. GPSEA believes that it is important to get more people directly involved in our work. Furthermore, GPSEA recognizes that the time and skills that volunteers provide are as equally important to the regular financial contributions of our supporters.

GPSEA commits to this policy as the framework for working with our volunteers. GPSEA is committed to these fundamental principles of volunteering:

These are guidelines that reflect GPSEA’s philosophy on volunteer involvement; institutionalize the rights and responsibilities of volunteers to GPSEA, and set the baseline for day to day decision – making and operations for the management and coordination of volunteers.

2. Greenpeace volunteers

2.1. Types of Greenpeace Volunteers

GPSEA volunteers include activists, interns, cyberactivists, and local group members.

N.B. The foregoing categorization does not, in any way, preclude the involvement of a volunteer in two or more functions.

3. Qualifications for GPSEA Volunteers

Prospective Volunteers:

4. Rights and Responsibilities of Greenpeace Volunteers

4.1. Both volunteers and GPSEA have responsibilities towards each other to provide the best possible experience for volunteer work.

4.2. GPSEA volunteers have the right:

4.3. GPSEA can expect of its volunteers:

5. Volunteer Management

5.1. Volunteer Application

5.2. Orientation

5.3. Trainings

5.4. Meetings and Updates

6. Volunteers’ Code of Conduct

6.1. Access to Information and Confidentiality

6.2. Personal Liability

6.3. Material Resources Use

6.4. Comportment