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  • For the love of sharks

    It all started with a great ocean view. Gary Cases, a seasoned scuba instructor and a dive shop owner in Malapascua had been toying with the idea of setting up a marine sanctuary ever since he first set foot on island, seeing there was a lot of potential for marine conservation and eco-tourism in the…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Filipino farmers share ‘seeds of hope’

    Ecological farmers in the Philippines have pooled their expertise and resources and travelled close to 600 km (370 miles) to help farmers in Dolores, Eastern Samar, get back on their feet following Typhoon Hagupit.

    Wilhelmina Pelegrina
  • Backyard Gardening and Climate Change

    I started my small organic herb and vegetable garden in front of my apartment in mid-2012 with the simple goal of growing pesticide-free vegetables for me and my family. Like…

    Jabez Flores
  • Reducing our Plastic Footprint

    Today, July 3, is International Plastic Bag Free Day. Globally, citizens and organizations are organizing activities highlighting the issue of plastic bag use and its effects, thereby strengthening the call…

    Abigail Aguilar
  • Territorial fight is an ecological tragedy

    It is hard to forget those graphic images of sea turtles and giant clams being poached to be traded illegally, their habitats being polluted and destroyed — in the backdrop of heightened territorial dispute in the South China Sea, which the Philippines now refers to as the West Philippine Sea.

    Atty. Zelda Soriano
  • The women rafters of Lake Pandin

    Roughly nine years ago, a small barangay situated near Lake Pandin in San Pablo, Laguna, began drawing in lots of visitors. Though the city of San Pablo has long been…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Cavite City Open Dumpsite: A Pile of Lessons

    All of us produce waste each day, and what you or I consider waste might not be worthless to someone else. But have you ever wondered where our personal, household, and office wastes are being disposed?  Have you ever asked where your waste goes, what happens to it once you throw it out and what…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Green Holiday Tips

    The holidays are a time for family and celebration and these festivities also negatively impact the environment. From the millions decorations that must be disposed of, to the tons of gift wrappers and increase in energy usage to keep the colored lights blinking and dancing, the holidays cause a lot of damage. But hey! Small…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • An open letter of solidarity and support

    Dear friends, It is impossible to put into words the despair that millions of Filipinos are going through right now. Days after Haiyan (Yolanda) sliced through the central islands of the Philippines, it has become horrifyingly clear that the damage wrought by the super typhoon has been colossal, the devastation absolute. As of this writing, almost…

    Greenpeace Philippines
  • Ecological Agriculture: the future of food production

    Time and again we have heard that business as usual is compromising the health of our environment which then has a profound impact on human health and well-being.  The way humans have unceasingly poisoned our soils, water and air through the use of synthetic fertilisers and chemical pesticides has wrought so much damage to the…

    Greenpeace Philippines