We have finally launched our #IAmHampasLupa Electoral Campaign, aimed at mobilizing young people to get more involved in our country’s agriculture.

It kicked-off via media launch at the Cathedral Grounds in Baguio City followed by three-day photo-pledge sessions at various public places. On the last day, we held a forum titled, “IAmHampasLupa: Regional Forum on the Role of the Filipino Youth in Shaping the Country’s Food and Agriculture. All in all, we were able to reach and mobilize more than 2,000 young people to support the campaign. 

It was heartwarming to note how positively the Baguio youths reacted, and how many expressed that they want their next president to care about our farmers. Doubly inspiring was that a large number of them pledged to do their part in helping secure the future of our food.  You, too, can pledge here!

#IAmHampasLupa Photo Pledges


Of course, Greenpeace did not do it alone. We had the support of our local partners – Azotea Greens Vegetarian Restaurant; Cordillera Organic Agriculture Research Development Center, Benguet State University; Cordillera Organic Producers Association; Diocese of Baguio – I Vote Good Campaign; Louisan Environmental Management and Audit Committee, Saint Louis University; Mount Cloud Bookshop; People’s Initiative for Learning Community; and the University of the Philippines Baguio University Student Council, Sigma Kappa Pi Fraternity

The launch in Baguio was just the beginning, and we will be bringing our message around the country. But just as worthy of our time and attention is helping the farmers whose farms were recently damaged by typhoon Lando. 

We also prepared to bring seeds and provide training to at least 900 families across 5 heavily affected areas. Aside from offering immediate aid, our secondary aim is to allow them to experience the long-term benefits of ecological farming practices, which have been proven to withstand drought and typhoons better than chemical intensive farming. 

Click here to support our work to help farmers get back on their feet.