Hey there, eco-warriors! Plastic-Free July is here, and it’s time to channel your inner Captain Planet and save the world from the clutches of plastic pollution. No cape required, just some sustainable swagger. Get ready to be a green superhero with these six simple actions you can do to tackle plastic pollution head-on. 

1. Bringing your own reusable container, utensils, and tumbler for takeaway food

Let’s kick things off with some practical pizzazz! Ditch those flimsy plastic containers and single-use utensils when ordering takeout. Instead, be the star of sustainability by bringing your trusty reusable containers and cutlery. Not only will you be reducing plastic wastes, but you’ll also be the envy of your meal buddies with your eco-friendly tumbler.

2. Having your own eco-bag and container when going to the market

Say goodbye to those pesky plastic bags that clutter our oceans and landfills. When you head to the market, strut your stuff with an eco-bag (or bayong) in tow. Don’t forget to bring your own containers as well. Trust us, your suking tindahan will thank you when you bring your own containers because it helps them to save on costs, too. You’ll be the trendsetter among your fellow shoppers while showing Mother Nature some serious love.

3. Supporting zero-waste MSMEs

© Basilio Sepe / Greenpeace

Get ready to embrace the mantra of “Shop Small, Shop Sustainably!” Seek out local zero-waste micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in your area. From refill stations to package-free goodies, these eco-friendly gems have got your back. By supporting them, you’re not only reducing plastic waste but also helping local businesses thrive. Win-win! Take it from our “Kuha sa Tingi” sari-sari stores in San Juan City and Quezon City

4. Engaging your local government unit for plastic-free ordinances and policies

Time to channel your inner activist and become a changemaker in your community. Get in touch with your local government to advocate for plastic-free ordinances and policies. Attend town hall meetings, write letters, or team up with like-minded folks to make your voices heard. Remember, the power of change lies within all of us!

5. Signing a petition to urge corporations to shift to reuse systems

Let’s show the big players that we mean business! Sign petitions urging corporations to shift from harmful single-use plastics to sustainable reuse systems. Why? Because reuse works! Study shows that implementing reuse systems can cut plastic pollution by 30% by 2040.

Your signature is your superpower in demanding change. All of us can make a significant impact on addressing plastic pollution and creating a plastic-free future. You can add your name here: act.gp/reuserevolution

6. Educating your family and friends about the impacts of plastic pollution

© Basilio Sepe / Greenpeace

Last but definitely not the least, it’s time to gather your loved ones and share the plastic-free gospel. Organize a fun and informative gathering, host a documentary night, or simply have a heartfelt conversation over coffee. Spread the knowledge about the devastating impacts of plastic pollution and inspire those around you to join the movement. Together, we can create a ripple effect that changes the world.

Let’s gear up for a Plastic-Free July full of eco-adventures. Remember, every action counts. By doing these steps and even beyond, you’ll be one step closer to being a bona fide planet-saving superstar. Now, go forth and beat plastic pollution.

Keep calm and stay green!