Quezon City — The Philippines is the deadliest country for environmental defenders in 2018, according to a report released today by the campaign group Global Witness. The group said that 30 of the global total of 164 environmental and land related killings occurred in the Philippines last year. In 2017, the country was second to Brazil for the most number of deaths.

Lea Guerrero, country director of Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines, said:

“It is horrifying that those who peacefully defend land and the environment are the ones who are being killed and persecuted so that environmental exploitation can continue for the profit of a few.

“The most disadvantaged Filipinos are already at the forefront of impacts from the climate emergency; protecting nature and the environment is vital for our survival.

“Greenpeace is extremely alarmed that instead of protecting these brave Filipinos and communities, the attacks on them persist.

“The government must not allow the corruption at the root of these killings to continue. Greenpeace is calling on the Philippine government to protect and support our environmental defenders, and to ensure that justice is served.”

Notes to Editors:

Link to the report: https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/environmental-activists/enemies-state/

Article published by The Guardian, “Philippines is deadliest country for defenders of environment”: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jul/30/philippines-deadliest-country-defenders-environment-global-witness

Media Contacts:

Lea Guerrero, Country Director, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
[email protected] | +63 908 885 1140

JP Agcaoili, Communications Manager, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
[email protected] | +63 949 889 1334