GRIPP (Green Renewable Independent Power Producer) and Greenpeace today inaugurated the commercial run of innovative electric-powered jeepneys, or E-Jeepeneys, which will now ply a commercial route in Makati City’s Central Business District, the country’s financial center.


The first Philippine manufactured E-Jeepney (Electric Jeepney) coasts down a street in Makati City, in the central business district in the Philippines’ capital city of Manila. GRIPP (Green Renewable Independent Power Producer) and Greenpeace today launched the commercial run the innovative E-Jeepneys, which will now ply a commercial route in public roads. The first public transport of its kind in Southeast Asia, the E-Jeepney intends to steer clear of the use of fossil fuels to help mitigate climate change while while addressing problems such as air pollution, solid waste and rising oil proces.

The first public transport system of its kind in Southeast Asia,
the E-Jeepney intends to steer clear of the use of fossil fuels to
help mitigate climate change while addressing problems such as air
pollution, solid waste, and rising oil prices.  It does so as part
of the Climate Friendly Cities project, an integrated transport and
waste management initiative pioneered by a consortium of
organizations led by GRIPP with Greenpeace, together with various
cities and private sector players. The project demonstrates that
cities can take the lead in helping address global climate change
by promoting sustainable transport tied in with renewable
energy-based technologies.

The E-Jeepneys ply their commercial route three days to the year
the first two test units were launched in Makati City.  The DOTC
(Department of Transportation and Communication) Planning and
Transport Division only released the E-Jeepney’s guidelines for
registration last April 28, allowing it on public roads ten months
after the E-Jeepney’s introduction.  The final wait before the
E-Jeepney’s full operation is the go-signal from the LTFRB (Land
Transportation Franchising Board) which will authorize the
franchise and fare.

“After a long period of waiting we are very happy that
E-Jeepneys have now been given the green light to ply commercial
routes first in the City of Makati, one of our champion cities.
Soon the E-Jeepney will be in the Cities of Puerto Prinsesa,
Bacolod, and Baguio,” said GRIPP Chairperson Athena Ballestros.

“The Electric Jeepney is a win-win solution for all
stakeholders. It provides a climate-friendly alternative to
polluting, fossil-fuel based modes of transport, and enhanced
income to jeepney drivers.  The government should be embracing this
project instead of letting the proponents suffer from long delays
in licensing and registration procedures,” she added.

A total of four units manufactured locally by GRIPP partner
MVPMAP(Motor Vehicle Parts Manufacturers Association of the
Philippines), will initially make its rounds in Legazpi and Salcedo
Villages in Makati City.  The number will steadily be increased to
fifty also as new routes are determined.  The fare is waived for
the first couple of weeks while the LTFRB’s  decision is

“Given skyrocketing fossil fuel prices and the imminent threat
of dangerous climate change caused largely by fossil fuels,
innovations such as the E-Jeepney, which promote renewable energy
solutions, should be the technology of choice of developing
countries like ours.  The Philippines stands to lose opportunities
with the current oil crisis, and we stand to lose even more lives
and livelihoods with the onset of severe climate change impacts,”
said Greenpeace Southeast Asia Executive Director Von Hernandez.
“Clearly, urgent solutions are needed.  Aside from initiatives by
cities such as this project, the national government should
institute large-scale climate change solutions such as phasing out
coal-fired power plants, and the immediate passage of a strong
renewable energy legislation by the Senate.”

The project is sponsored in part by the Dutch Doen Foundation
and is currently supported by Makati, Baguio and Puerto Princesa

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