The pandemic has drastically changed our lives in a lot of ways. It has affected millions of people and livelihoods throughout the country. Because we are all just struggling to cope and survive, the environment seems to be the least of our concerns. But it is important to remember that the broken systems that led to the pandemic, and that are blocking long-term solutions, are the same systems preventing us from addressing the climate crisis.

Moving towards a holistic, #BetterNormal where the people’s health and well-being are central requires systemic change, and it starts with taking part in tangible solutions, and of course, demanding urgent action from our leaders. This Earth Day, we share with you simple things you can do to help renew your commitment to care for our environment.

Grow your own food and buy local produce

One of the effects of the pandemic has been the increased value of consumer goods such as meat, vegetables, and other food products. But produce logistics is riddled with problems, which has led to food shortages in some areas. Likewise, conventional marketplaces are facing challenges when it comes to upholding social distancing etiquette. This is why some have turned to their backyards or available shelf space to grow what they can.

Ecological Farmers Women Association in East Samar. © Vincent Go / Greenpeace
A member of Kika-GAWA (Gios Anuron Women’s Association) poses at the association’s backyard garden in Barangay Anuron, Mercedes, Eastern Samar. Kika women are using ecological farming practices to provide basic food for the communities specially in times of crises. © Vincent Go / Greenpeace

Go for sustainable businesses for your online purchases

Malls took a huge hit from the pandemic, for obvious reasons. Whereas these places used to be where people often meet and congregate, several of their services started to revolve around servicing families and groups. And so, people have started to rely instead on existing online shopping services such as Lazada and Shopee. However, online shopping has yielded excessive plastic packaging. To help curb the use of plastic, some resellers have taken the initiative of using green methods of shipping products with care. For instance, instead of bubble wrap, they use shredded paper. There are also petitions demanding that these online selling platforms reduce the amount of plastic used for packaging, and redesign the way they do business to effectively minimize carbon footprint.

READ: These women entrepreneurs are helping create a #BetterNormal with their businesses

Take “sustainable transportation”

Mass transportation has been shut down almost completely at the height of the pandemic last year, with frontline workers utilizing their own vehicles or taking rides with volunteers to bring them to their workplaces. As for other essential workers and other employees, biking has become a prime and feasible option. Thankfully, there was government support in creating proper bike lanes, as well as the efforts brought by private groups like Life Cycles PH and Bikers United Movement which lent out bikes and safety gears to those in need.

Cyclists passing by Commonwealth avenue in Quezon City were given reflective vest by volunteer organizations, such as Bikers United Marshalls, Greenpeace Philippines and Living Laudato Si’ Philippines, to be visible on the road.

Switch to reusable face masks

The pandemic also raised concerns over medical wastes, like discarded face masks, affecting our environment and even reaching our oceans. And with the rising number of COVID19 cases, this is expected to increase as well. To help address the problem, health experts from around the world are encouraging us to wear reusable masks for everyday non-medical use, along with observing basic hygiene practices, while leaving medical-grade PPEs (personal protective equipment) for healthcare and essential workers.

Call for government and corporate accountability! 

Living a sustainable lifestyle is a great start, but it’s not enough to stop here. Government and industry leaders should meet this crisis with urgent and even bolder action. We must join the youth in calling on our government to ensure that recovery plans from the COVID-19 pandemic lead to a green and just #BetterNormal that puts the interests of the people, especially the youth, front and center.

Spread kindness and love for our environment

One simple way you can care for the people and the environment is by raising awareness to your friends and family. You can share posts on social media and watch films that tackle the environment. By being a role model, you can inspire others to become aware of the environment and climate issues. 

Kindness towards others and the environment can spread like wildfire, and we can see this in the recent rise of community pantries in the country. Some are even demonstrating sustainable practices, which is the perfect example of taking care of each other and the planet during the pandemic.