The stars and the planets may align, but they do very little to help us in our ongoing climate battle. However, the stars inspire us to explore what we can be in 2021. We’ve read every star sign as well as different outlooks for this year, and we feel confident talking about what type of environmental activism best suits you and your element!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
2021 will be a year for reinventing yourself. Though changes won’t happen overnight, challenges will help mold a better you by the end of the year. This makes you the perfect sustainability activist, as you will want to influence others to break away from their old habits and choose more-sustainable approaches.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
This year is a year of healing. 2020 has created rifts between you and the world, and it is now time to reconnect. In order to heal the world, draw out your inner climate change activist. Usher in the new year by doing what you can to make the world greener.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)
You are an innovator through and through, and your ideas won’t stop this 2021. You can choose to work on your own or find greater success working with others. Your ability to come up with insights makes you an ideal legislation activist who can push for legislation that will help avert the climate crisis.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Unprecedented success awaits you this year, but only if you bring your planning skills and willingness to experiment. Do note, too, that what will bring you to new heights is your persistence. As an environmental justice activist, you will give your all to ensure that people harming the environment answer to the law.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
This year will be one filled with intense transformation. This could mean discovering something about the world or yourself, so you have to keep an open mind and remain adventurous. This trait makes you the perfect local environment activist. Transform your local community into something better and more nature-friendly.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Passion, connection, and transformation will be the story of 2021. Prepare to build deeper connections with other people as you expand your social circle anew in the wake of the pandemic. As a legislation activist, you’ll find it second-nature to lead campaigns and petitions
that can push for much-needed climate action.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)
This could be the year that you find the one. It could be the plus one you’re dying to bring to weddings or a project that changes your life. Either way, this new pursuit will complement you well. Being a green energy activist would suit you well because of their singular goal of reducing environmental impact when consuming energy.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)
2021 will be a straight-forward year if you stick to your routines. Keep work, your personal life, and wellness at pace and you’ll make more progress than you initially expected. While working on yourself, you could also try looking at your surroundings as an ecological activist and make sure that it, too, is in order.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)
By leading with your heart, you will be able to pursue romance, passionate pursuits, and curate your life. Unlike 2020, this year will be a year for building something that will last. And building legacies is something that environmental justice activists can best do by joining campaigns that address climate change.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
As much as there are various events going on around the globe, domestic matters are what you should be focusing on this year. Love where you live or move somewhere worth loving. Share the same love for the environment by being an environment activist in your local community.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)
The magic of 2021 lies in working with a partner. This could be a loved one or people who drive you forward. This could also be the accompaniment of an ambition, one that pushes you to give
110% every time. For someone who values working on one major goal, being a climate change activist is highly complementary.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)
2021 will be a year where you reap what was sown in the last few years. This can come in the form of prestige, income, or even an accolade. This year is also a year for appreciating simplicity and for implementing Quality-of-Life changes. And, as far as improving life goes, being a sustainability activist fits the bill perfectly.