Privacy and Cookies

Greenpeace believes you have a fundamental right to privacy on the web and we work to protect your security online.


This policy applies to all the pages hosted on It does not apply to pages hosted by other organisations to which we may link and whose privacy policies may differ.

We do not collect personally identifiable information on our website unless you voluntarily choose to give it to us via this website, email, a phone call, by signing up as a supporter, or by postal mail. Even when you choose to give us information, we keep it confidential, and we bind suppliers who work with us by these conditions as well.

When you sign a petition or any other form on the website, you will be added as a cyber-activist and we will send you updates on this and other important campaigns by email. If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from our email list, you may do so by clicking on the unsubscribe link in our mails.

We maintain some records of individuals who contact us for further information or help, in case we need to contact them later or provide further information to them in the future.


Information collection and processing purposes

We may collect and process the following information about you:

• Information that you give us: This is information about you that you give to us by: (i) making use of our website and the options on our website (e.g. in the event you would sign a petition or make donation), (ii) subscribing to the receipt of updates by email, (iii) contacting us for information or help, (iv) signing your name on a list of signatures, (v) becoming a donor via other ways than the internet, (vi) participating in Greenpeace campaigns, (vii) responding to any survey on this website, or (viii) providing information through third party websites or apps provided that you explicitly gave your consent to the applicability of this privacy statement through such third party website or app. It may include, for example, your name, address, email address or telephone number.

• Information that our website and other systems collect about you:
◦ If you visit our website third parties (Google Analytics) will collect some information about you and your visit, such as your browser type and version and the pages on our site that you visit. Google Analytics will not collect the internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your device to the internet. You can request Google to provide an extraction of your data related to Greenpeace International website. This information can be used for statistical purposes and will help us improve our website.
◦ Our website may also download “cookies” to your device – this is described in our cookie statement (below).
◦ If you exchange emails, telephone conversations or other electronic communications (including comments on this website) with Greenpeace employees and other staff members or, as the case may be, electronic communication means on third party websites or apps – such as chatbots linked to Greenpeace – information technology systems will record details of those conversations, sometimes including their content.

• Information that third parties collect about you on our website by performing actions: This is information about you that you give to third parties (such as Facebook, Google and Twitter) by making use of the social network sharing buttons and widgets available on our website.

• Information that third parties collect about you on our website by browsing it: This is information about you recorded / tracked by third parties just by making use of the website itself, such as navigating from one page to another (this event will be tracked) or by viewing an embedded Facebook video (if you are logged into Facebook) .

By providing your e-mail address, you can also subscribe to our mailing list in order to receive updates by email.

We show social networking sharing buttons and widgets from Facebook, Google, and Twitter on our website to enable you to easily share Greenpeace campaigns and news with friends. These social networking sharing buttons and widgets come from web servers which may track your behaviour on our website and may combine this with other information about you originating from other websites. You can install a browser add-on like “Disconnect” for Chrome and Firefox to disable them.

We also gather information automatically about website visitors to help us maintain and improve the design of our website. We use Google Analytics to gather this data and analyse it. You can install the “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on” to prevent information about your visits to our website being sent to Google Analytics.

Our site is hosted on a variety of servers. Information collected for fundraising purposes is collected on a server we own and maintain in a secure environment. Information in our website logs is not personally identifiable, and we make no attempt to link that information with the individuals that actually browse the site. The server collects information about the date and time in which our web site was accessed and the Internet address of the server from which you linked to our site. We may also track, anonymously, a user’s movement within the site. We use this data to improve our site performance and to evaluate traffic statistics, such as the times of day and days of week at which we see peak traffic, and to assess the relative popularity of different areas of the site.

Security measures

We have implemented appropriate technical and organisational measures to secure personal data against loss or against any form of unlawful processing. Our donation pages are secured using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), a security protocol that provides communications privacy over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, or message forgery.

Only employees who need to access information about supporters and website visitors to perform their work are granted access to this personal identifiable information.


We’re really sorry that we can’t offer a cookie-free experience on our website, and can only hope that you understand the choice we had to make.

About Cookies

A cookie is a small text file that’s stored on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Whenever a browser requests an object from the same website or domain in the future, the browser (if you allow) will send the same small text file back to the origin server.

We use (or will use) cookies to:

Cookies and personal information

Cookies do not contain any information that personally identifies you, but personal information that we store about you may be linked, by us, to the information stored in and obtained from cookies.

Blocking / Deleting Cookies

Most browsers allow you to refuse to accept cookies, manage previously accepted ones or delete existing ones on your device. Click your browser type below to go directly to the browser user guide to learn how to disable or erase cookies.

There are different types of cookies:

First party cookies

These are set by the website you’re visiting, and only that website can read them. In addition, a website might use a separate company to analyse how people are using their site. And this separate company will set their own cookie to do this.

Third party cookies

These are set by someone other than the owner of the website you’re visiting.

Some web pages may also contain content from other sites like YouTube or Flickr, which may set their own cookies. Also, if you Share a link to a page, the service you share it on (e.g. Facebook) may set a cookie on your browser.

We (Greenpeace) have no control over third party cookies.

Advertising cookies

Some websites use advertising networks to show you specially targeted adverts when you visit. These networks may also be able to track your browsing across different sites.

Greenpeace does not advertise on its websites, therefore is an advertising cookie-free website.

Session cookies

These are stored while you’re browsing. They get deleted from your device when you close your browser e.g. Firefox or Safari.

Persistent cookies

These are saved on your computer. So they don’t get deleted when you close your browser.

Our Cookies

Third party cookies

On we currently use or embed content from the following third parties:

First party, session and persistent cookies

We use both session cookies and persistent cookies on this website. We may send to you the following cookies:

Analytics cookies

Greenpeace uses Google Analytics to gather visitors’ use of our website and analyse the data to help us maintain and improve the design of our website. Google Analytics generates statistical and other information about website use by means of cookies, which are stored on users’ computers.

Classic Google Analytics cookies are _utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz, _ga and _gid – and they all collect information in an anonymous form, including the number of visitors to the site, browser ClientID (to identify returning users, for example), where visitors come to the site from and the pages they visited. Here’s the privacy overview of Google Analytics for more details.

Beside, it is important to mention that Google stores websites traffic information which have Google Analytics tracking code. Check Google’s privacy policy.

Contact us

This website is owned and operated by Greenpeace Philippines. If you have any questions about our cookies or this cookies policy, please contact the webmaster.

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