Quezon City – Greenpeace Philippines today joined communities and civil society representatives in commemorating Independence Day in a peaceful solidarity activity at the U.P. Diliman Campus to call on the government to scrap the proposed anti-terrorism bill. The bill was transmitted to Malacañang Palace by the Senate and the House of Representatives on June 9, amid public protests, and as Congress representatives were withdrawing their signatures from the bill. Mindful of the current COVID-19 situation, participants in the commemoration observed physical distancing and other health and safety guidelines.

Khevin Yu, campaigner of Greenpeace Philippines, said:
“Greenpeace is one with the Filipino people in peacefully celebrating Independence Day today and remembering generations of Filipinos who have struggled for freedom and justice. This is why we are making a stand against the proposed anti-terrorism bill to defend our constitutional rights and freedoms.

“Greenpeace believes that activism is essential for a better normal. There is a real danger that the bill will stifle citizen participation and critical dialogue necessary in a diverse and inclusive society.

“At this time when the country is facing multiple crises, we believe that we need leadership that is inclusive and just in its decision-making, and a healthy political environment that encourages opposing views.

“The needs and voices of communities and sectors struggling with the impacts of the pandemic, of the climate emergency and of poverty, require the urgent focus of government. We urge the President to heed the Filipino people and their calls for the respect for rights and justice, and veto the anti-terror bill.”

Greenpeace Philippines, through its #BetterNormal campaign, has also been calling on the government to pivot to a transformative COVID recovery plan that puts the people and the environment at the center.  Greenpeace is an independent campaigning organization that uses peaceful protest and creative communications to expose environmental problems and promote solutions that are essential for a just, sustainable and peaceful future. Know more about the campaign here: https://act.gp/betternormal 

Media Contacts: 

Khevin Yu
Campaigner, Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
+63 998 966 4807, [email protected] 

Angeli Cantillana
Communications Campaigner
Greenpeace Southeast Asia – Philippines
+63 998 595 9733
[email protected]