For the third year, Greenpeace Philippines joined this year’s Pride March with the call, “Earth For All,” at the Pride PH Festival 2024: Love Laban 2 Everyone, at the Quezon Memorial Circle in Quezon City. Photo by: Jilson Tiu / Greenpeace

As we come together to celebrate Pride this year, we are confronted with the urgent need to address the injustices faced by the LGBTQIA2S+ community, exacerbated by the climate crisis. Every day of inaction brings us closer to irreversible damage that disproportionately affects marginalized communities. The urgency of this crisis cannot be overstated: we must act now to prevent further harm and to build a just, sustainable Earth for all.

The climate crisis magnifies existing inequities, exposing LGBTQIA2S+ individuals to increased vulnerability and discrimination during climate-induced disasters. Queer individuals often face discrimination in accessing transitional housing and essential services and encounter disrespect due to prejudice and bigotry. Relief and recovery efforts, typically conducted through a binary, cisgender lens, often neglect queer individuals, highlighting the need for inclusive policies that protect everyone.

Greenpeace has long championed climate justice, which demands fairness and equity among the most vulnerable sectors. It is imperative that our institutions prioritize the needs of marginalized communities. This includes the immediate passage of the SOGIE Equality Bill. Delaying such crucial legislation only perpetuates the cycle of injustice and amplifies the impacts of the climate crisis on discriminated populations.

Photo by: Jilson Tiu / Greenpeace

Likewise, corporations must move beyond performative gestures and become true allies in this fight. Waving the Pride flag during June is not enough. Genuine commitment means embedding human rights into the very fabric of their operations and policies throughout the year. We call on all businesses to take meaningful, sustained action that supports diversity, inclusion, and justice in all forms.

Our participation in Pride is not only a celebration but also a call to amplify our collective demand for a just transition to a safe, sustainable future. The leadership of the LGBTQIA2S+ community inspire us and strengthen our resolve to fight for a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. We cannot fully celebrate Pride on a planet in peril. Our vision is a world where nature and people are cared for, where every individual can thrive without fear of oppression and exploitation.

Our fight for climate justice must be inclusive, recognizing the interconnectedness of the climate movement with queer liberation. Just as the rainbow flag symbolizes diversity and unity, our efforts for climate justice must embrace all voices and perspectives. Let our solidarity shine brighter than the forces that seek to divide the people and destroy the planet.

Our call: EARTH FOR ALL. QUEER JUSTICE NOW. CLIMATE JUSTICE NOW. Together, we can create a future where every color of the rainbow radiates in a world that truly cares for all–nature and people alike.

Note to Editors:

Please attribute this statement to Greenpeace Philippines, and individual quotes to Greenpeace Communications Campaigner Eunille Santos.

Media Contact:

Karl Orit
Communications Campaigner
[email protected] | +63 9194571064