QUEZON CITY, Philippines (30 May 2024) — Reacting to the oil spill from a Typhoon Aghon-damaged power barge in New Washington, Aklan, Greenpeace campaigner Khevin Yu said:

“No one is exempt from the climate crisis, not even the industries dependent on fossil fuels are safe. They are now feeling the impacts of extreme weather events, bearing the thumbprint of climate change — such as Typhoon Aghon, which damaged a vessel and caused an oil spill in New Washington, Aklan.

“Yet, unfairly, communities are still the main casualty, despite having no role in perpetuating this crisis. As we saw in Mindoro last year, oil disasters like this threaten coastal communities’ livelihood and health, not to mention the damage to marine life.

“Aklan and other small island communities are in the best position to shift away from fossil fuel power barges as renewable energy becomes more accessible and cheaper. Continued usage and expansion of fossil fuels will further expose our people and the environment to irreversible damages, especially under extreme weather conditions.”

“This is not an isolated case and can happen again as the government failed to address the regulatory and accountability issues exposed during the Mindoro oil spill. We reiterate our call on the Philippine government to end our dependence on fossil fuels, and expedite a just transition to RE. Further, we demand accountability from corporations that perpetuate fossil fuels’ hold on our country—we must make them pay for their damage to the environment, and our climate.” 


Media Contact

Maria Katrina Eusebio-Santillan, Greenpeace Digital Campaigner

[email protected] | +63 999 2296451

Karl Orit, Greenpeace Communications Campaigner

[email protected] | +63 9194571064