Naderev “Yeb” Madla Saño, Executive Director at Greenpeace Southeast Asia, is seen at dawn holding a banner and blocking Shell Tabangao dock to disrupt the operation of Shell’s Tabangao import terminal, in Batangas on November 30, 2023. Photo by Noel Celis/Greenpeace

BATANGAS CITY, Philippines (30 November 2023)—As the COP 28 UN climate talks start today in Dubai, UAE, Greenpeace Philippines activists and the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior marked their second day of protest at the biggest import facility of Shell Pilipinas Corporation in Batangas City. Greenpeace is calling on Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr, as well as other world governments, to demand payment from giant fossil fuel companies like Shell for climate loss and damage.

“Shell and other fossil fuel companies must pay reparations to communities,” said Jefferson Chua, Greenpeace Philippines campaigner on board the Rainbow Warrior. “President Marcos Jr must demand corporate accountability for climate impacts and strongly advocate for climate justice—aside from pursuing all other means to exact payment from fossil fuel companies.”

Yesterday morning, Filipino climate activists on kayaks blocked access to the Shell import terminal. In the night, the Rainbow Warrior’s position in the central mooring port was taken by an offshore supply ship. This port was thereafter retaken by the activists at 11:00 AM today. The blockade continues as the activists and the Rainbow Warrior are presently occupying the north and central jetties of the terminal.

Greenpeace says the activity is meant to call attention to the need for fossil fuel companies to be held responsible and pay for the harms brought on by climate impacts. In 2022, a landmark inquiry[1] in the Philippines found legal grounds to hold climate-destroying corporations accountable for the impacts of their business activities. Yet, oil, coal and gas companies continue to expand operations, drilling for more fossil fuels, and reneging on commitments, even as communities continue to experience ever-worsening climate impacts that are costing them their lives, homes and livelihoods. 

“It’s outrageous that fossil fuel companies are raking in trillions of dollars in profits from business activities responsible for the suffering of communities. This is criminal and it has to stop,” said Chua.

Greenpeace is calling on the Philippine government to make fossil fuel companies pay for losses and damages experienced by impacted communities. Greenpeace demands that climate-destroying businesses must 1) acknowledge their disproportionate role in historical carbon emissions and commit to a just transition away from fossil fuels; 2) stop all fossil fuel expansion; and 3) pay up for the economic and non-economic loss and damages caused by climate impacts. 

“COP 28 not only needs to end the fossil fuel era—it also needs to get fossil fuel companies to pay up for loss and damage. Those who’ve polluted and profited the most must be made accountable and pay their debt to the people most impacted by their irresponsible operations,” said Chua.

In keeping with Greenpeace practice, the protest is being conducted in a safe, peaceful, and controlled manner by trained activists. Greenpeace informed Shell of their peaceful intentions and safety protocols prior to beginning the protest.

Notes to Editors:

[1] Landmark inquiry finds legal grounds to hold climate-destroying corporations accountable

Photos and videos of the blockade are in the Greenpeace media library here.

Media Contact: 

Karl Orit, Greenpeace Communications Campaigner
[email protected] | +63 9194571064

Maverick Flores, Greenpeace Communications Campaigner
[email protected] | +63 9176211552