MANILA, Philippines (20 September 2023)–On Friday, the State of California filed a lawsuit against Exxon Mobil, Shell, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP, and the American Petroleum Institute for their “decades-long campaign of deception” about climate change and the risks posed by fossil fuels, demanding that the companies pay up through a fund to help in recovery efforts from climate-fueled disasters.

Responding to this, Jefferson Chua, Greenpeace Philippines Campaigner, said:

“We support the State of California’s move to make fossil fuel companies pay for the costs of their deception about climate change. Communities and governments have long been footing the bill for climate change, through the loss of lives, homes, livelihoods, and opportunities, on top of economic losses. It’s only right that more communities and governments around the world are taking these polluters to court[1] for these grave injustices.

“In the Philippines, the 2022 report on the landmark National Inquiry on Climate Change[2] has found that all acts to obfuscate climate science and delay, derail, or obstruct the transition to clean, renewable energy may be a basis for liability. Despite this, fossil fuel companies are showing no signs of stopping their business operations by bearing expansion plans and reneging on climate commitments, turbocharged by climate disinformation campaigns, spending millions of dollars[3] in ads to distract and mislead the public.

“The fossil fuel industry is robbing us all blind. The world’s governments must step up and make these polluters pay for their crimes.”


[1] Climate litigation more than doubles in five years, now a key tool in delivering climate justice

[2] The Philippine Commission on Human Rights’ multi-year investigation into 47 investor-owned corporations for human rights harms that result from their actions triggering climate change – links to all documents and the final report can be found here.

[3] The “Deny, Deceive, Delay” report by Climate Action Against Disinformation states, “According to Meta’s Ad Library, 3,781 ads were active from fossil fuel-linked entities, who spent roughly USD $3-4 million between 1 September and 23 November 2022 on Facebook and Instagram.”

Media Contacts:

Johanna Fernandez, Communications & Digital Manager, Greenpeace Philippines

[email protected]  | +639209759844

Karl Orit, Communications Campaigner, Greenpeace Philippines

[email protected] | +639194571064