Statement of solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community

A rainbow is seen from the Greenpeace flagship Rainbow Warrior as it sails past pirate waters of Basilan.
Photo by John Javellana/Greenpeace

As Filipinos, we pride ourselves as strong-spirited people who are always willing to help others. When the impacts of the worsening climate crisis claim homes and loved ones, the flag of bayanihan is immediately raised in devastated communities.

Climate change, however, is exposing the divides in our society which makes it more difficult for us to band together to address this crisis.

Working with communities experiencing climate impacts, we have seen firsthand how marginalized groups, including members of the LGBTQIA+, are disproportionately affected. Gender identities are neglected, and not conforming to heteronormative standards presents disadvantages. Such was the case for trans woman Arthur Golong, who had to dead-name herself to have access to government relief efforts, and saw how cisgender individuals were being prioritized in recovery programs, forgetting to acknowledge the needs, or even the existence, of LGBTQIA+ within the community.

Because of incidents of discrimination within rescue and relief systems, many members of the LGBTQIA+ community are unable to trust responders during climate disasters. Non-heteronormative families tend to also be disrespected and mishandled, being denied transitional homes and displaced during recovery. Worse still, gender and sexual minorities have had to endure various forms of harassment and violence, while having to survive extreme weather.

This system of discrimination has no place in a country that considers collective action a national trait. Greenpeace believes climate change can only be addressed through a vibrant democracy where communities play a key role in policy- and decision-making – regardless of region, class, or gender. We consider the LGBTQIA+ community as one of the strongest allies of the climate movement – a community that knows what it means to liberate themselves from oppressive practices and give voice to the vulnerable.

To this end, Greenpeace stands in solidarity with the LGBTQIA+ community and joins the calls for the government to enact policies that promote inclusivity and reject discrimination, such as the long-debated Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Expression Equality (SOGIE) Bill. 

Moreover, and more urgently, Greenpeace demands that our institutions come up with a coherent plan for climate action, and listen to communities that are leading the charge for genuine and sustainable environmental solutions. 

The fight for genuine climate justice intersects with queer justice. Climate action and policy must be inclusive. We must recognize the connection of the climate struggle with the liberation of various minority groups from outdated systems.

Climate justice is queer justice. Our fight must go beyond the usual “green;” rather, it should be multi-perspective and multi-colored. At the end of the day, we all deserve to live on an Earth we can be proud of, where we don’t have to wait for the rain just to see the rainbow.